Autonomy of Corsica: “a President in the dark”, the necessary “negotiations”, the candidates seize the issue

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“This is a question that will agitate the political landerneau. “ Fabien Roussel knows it, the subject is inflammable, conducive to bitter debates. At the same time as he spoke this Wednesday morning on the autonomy of Corsica, a possibility mentioned the previous evening by Gérald Darmanin after weeks of violence on the island, Marine Le Pen, Yannick Jadot, Anne Hidalgo and Valérie Pécresse also revealed their position on the subject. Thus creating a first incursion of domestic politics into a presidential debate engulfed by the war in Ukraine.

For Fabien Roussel, it is out of the question to consider autonomy, a claim that is nevertheless historic for the island, carried by nationalist elected officials in the large majority. “This is not what will fill the fridge of the Corsicans. I am against… “, he said on RMC. Marine Le Pen also refuses: “Corsica must remain French”, wrote the candidate of the National Rally on Twitter. And to criticize: “Going from the assassination of a prefect to the promise of autonomy, can there be a more catastrophic message? »

The violent assault of Yvan Colonna on March 2 in the prison of Arles (Bouches-du-Rhône), where he was serving a life sentence for his participation in the assassination of Prefect Erignac in 1998 in Ajaccio, tensions resurfaced between the state and the nationalists, frustrated that their victories at the polls did not allow their demands to be fulfilled during the five-year term. Clashes with law enforcement broke out. In Bastia, the exhausted CRS face few but very determined opponents. The Minister of the Interior is on site until Thursday.

Sent as a firefighter on duty to an island where differences between separatists and separatists have resurfaced in the wake of the crisis, Gérald Darmanin promised the start of an “unprecedented cycle of discussions” with elected officials and compared the aggression of ‘Yvan Colonna to a “terrorist act”. “We are ready to go as far as autonomy. Here, the word is said, ”he announced in Corse Matin, Tuesday evening. And to warn: “There can be no dialogue in violence. A return to calm is a sine qua non. »

Autonomy, a recurring request

“Political maneuvers”, for Éric Zemmour (Reconquest!). The words of a government and a president “under pressure, who succumbs to violence, as he did in Notre-Dame-des-Landes,” according to Valérie Pécresse. “Emmanuel Macron pays cash for his contempt for the territories. It is necessary to bring order back to Corsica before starting negotiations (…) It will take a donor-donor “, the candidate Les Républicains on France Inter assured this Tuesday morning. Without opposing autonomy: “Yes, of course, but with performance indicators, results for Corsica.” The change in status must not “lead to the dismantling of the Republic,” she warned.

In favor of autonomy “as of right, of full exercise in Corsica”, Yannick Jadot denounces the timing: “What is terrible is that it takes a drama, as usual with this five-year term, to start see solutions”, condemned the ecologist on France 2, this Wednesday. “We must enter into this negotiation on a statute of autonomy (…) It is a position validated by the Assembly of the regions of France”, he insisted.

Like her EELV rival, the PS candidate considers it wise to grant autonomy to Corsica. “The issue is not new (…) I think it is necessary to give legislative, regulatory powers to regions, to communities that have a special status such as Corsica,” she said on Europe 1. it remains more than defining what they both mean by “autonomy.”

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