Autumn Cold: Symptoms, Course, and Duration of a Common Cold

by time news

2023-05-31 06:02:56

Autumn time is cold season. What symptoms indicate a cold and what does the typical course look like? Here you get the information.

Fever, runny nose, headache: When the first cold symptoms appear, many are afraid of you positive corona rapid test. There is also the classic cold. These are its symptoms and its course.

Cold: Symptoms

Cold symptoms and Corona symptoms are very similar, with colds usually having a few well-known symptoms. Those include:

  • Sniffles
  • Cough
  • stuffy nose
  • Sore throat
  • Fever

A cold is an infection of the upper respiratory tract. According to the Robert Koch Institute, a cold tends to have milder symptoms such as a sore throat and runny nose, which develop slowly and progressively – in contrast to real flu, where the signs appear very suddenly.

Incidentally, an average of two to four colds a year is normal, and up to ten in children. triggers for it Rhinoviren. The weaker the immune system, the more susceptible you are to the virus. That is why wet feet or freezing also promote colds.

Video: dpa

course of a cold

As a cold develops slowly and steadily, so does the symptoms and well-being. It usually starts with a sore throat and runny nose. These peak around day three and usually subside after nine days. Meanwhile, symptoms such as fever and body aches can occur. They last up to about the fifth day. At the end of the cold there is a dry, irritating cough. This cough in particular can be persistent.

duration of a cold

Die duration of a cold is individual. After ten to fourteen days, however, the cold should be over for the most part. However, you can feel tired and exhausted for longer.

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But it’s important to stay in bed when you Get rid of a cold quickly would like. If you don’t take it easy, you risk that the cold will drag on and, in the worst case, develop into a sinus infection or pneumonia. Then an antibiotic may be necessary.

Cough, runny nose, headache: Colds are part of life. But how do I know if it’s really just a cold – or Corona?

Photo: Susann Prautsch, dpa (symbol image)

Cold: When to see the doctor?

You don’t have to go to the doctor, the well-known home remedies usually help. Sick leave for colds is currently also available over the phone, no visit is necessary for this. But if the cold gets worse or doesn’t go away, see a doctor. Especially if the cold lasts longer than 14 days or if the following symptoms occur:

  • shortness of breath
  • earache
  • high fever

Corona or cold? Those are the signs

A simple cold cannot be clearly distinguished from a corona infection based on the symptoms alone. Therefore, one should remain cautious with the above symptoms, a PCR-Test do, stay at home and get medical advice by phone. At the weekend or outside of office hours, the medical on-call service can help on 116117.

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