AVE Murcia | The first AVE to Murcia leaves from Madrid

by time news

Historic day for the Region of Murcia. The railway line dand High Speedd that will unite Madrid and Murcia opens today on a journey that left at 1:40 p.m. and will take place in 2 hours and 45 minutes. The train has left platform number 19 from the Chamartín station. It is the fastest connection and the inaugural train travels the king, Philip VIand the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez.

The regional president, Fernando López Miras, and the Minister of Transportation, Raquel Sánchez. The train part of the Madrid station chamartin and will stop at Elche, where the president of the Valencian Community, Ximo Puig, will join the procession.

Pedro Sánchez, King Felipe Vi and Fernando López Miras, upon their arrival in Chamartín to board the AVE. M.J.G.

Then it will continue to the station Murcia del Carmenwhere the institutional inauguration act which will be chaired by the king and in which Sánchez, the two regional presidents and the head of Transport, Mobility and the Urban Agenda will take the floor. The train is scheduled to arrive in Murcia around half past four in the afternoon.

It will be tomorrow Tuesday when it will begin to operate for the public this high-speed line, which from the Chamartín station will have two frequencies and, in addition to the intermediate stop in Elche, it will make another in Orihuela.

There will be two other daily trains that will leave the Madrid station of Athocha Gate and that, in addition to stopping in these two towns, they will also stop in Alicante, Villena, Albacete and Cuenca, so travel time will increase to 3 hours and 25 minutes.

Representatives of the Region on the first journey

The former Secretary of State for Infrastructure and current president of Paradores, Pedro Saura; the Minister of Development, Jose Ramon Diez de Revenga; and the secretary general of the council, Enrique Ujaldón, among others.

There are also the parliamentary spokesmen of the PP, mowed sunday; of the PSOE, Francisco Lucasand of those expelled from Cs, Francisco Alvarezas well as the senator and former government delegate Francisco Bernabe, accompanied by the popular senator Violante Tomás. Likewise, the presidents of Fecoam, Santiago Martinez, and of Apoexpa, Joaquin Gomez.

Pedro Saura has ensured that “it is a very important daybecause it has been achieved more modern and safer transport and, furthermore, it arrives underground”.

Controversy with the duration of the trip

You have to remember that the travel time It has generated a controversy between the presidents of Murcia and the Valencian Community. Miras complained about the lack of official information that he had received about the arrival of the AVE and asked that the train be faster and cheaper to travel by car between Madrid and his community.

Given this, Puig described as “very inappropriate” that the Murcian president suggested that in order to gain speed he stops in Elche and Orihuela will be eliminated and asked for respect for his region.

On the occasion of the start-up of the AVE to Murcia, Renfe put up for sale last Wednesday the tickets of the four daily frequencieswith a total of 2,824 seats per day and with a promotional campaign of 30,000 tickets at 19 euros until December 29 to travel during the next year.

if there is a 15-30 minute delayhalf of the price of the ticket will be returned, and if it exceeds half an hour, everything paid.

There will be two classes, standard and comfortwith the S-112 model, one of the most technologically advanced, with 12 wagons accessible to people with disabilities and that will circulate at a maximum speed of 300 kilometers per hour with 353 seats per convoy.

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