Avi Greenzeig: The right has got the ‘audacity’ to rule

by time news

Strategic advisor Avi Greenzeig was a guest in the Arutz 7 studio and estimated that the right wing expects a lot from the government to lead a right-wing policy – and first of all in the judicial system.

“All the laws of the reform have not yet entered the statute book. It seems that the right has got the ‘audacity’ to rule. He won the elections and to this day we knew that he does not dare to really rule and this time he is not moved by the media and the High Court – but in the end the big test will be in the result and the deed,” claims Greenzeig .

He also applauds the leaders of the movement. “Ideologues in politics are important. I wish we had more Rivals Levin and Simcha Rotman, we would be in a much better position.”

He was asked his opinion regarding the claims of the effects of the reform on the Israeli economy and replied, “There is no connection between the reform and the economy. The reform in the judicial system does not touch economic issues in any way. They are scaring the public that there is uncertainty and there will be a ‘regime revolution’ and this is percolating. When many Israeli economists and some The leaders of public opinion in Israel are spouting how much Israel is in danger – the world hears it – and may eventually attract investments. In addition, there is a group on the extreme fringes of the left that not only waits for the effect of its words but spends money itself. In the end, the State of Israel is much stronger than these things and will continue to grow.”

Greenzeig believes that Prime Minister Netanyahu is currently satisfied with the opportunity given to him not to be neck-deep in the reform. “Netanyahu is aware of his image as someone who might succumb to a campaign of pressure and who needs to listen to international pressure. He managed well because the legal advisor told him that he was not allowed to engage in reform and then he replied: ‘I wanted to, but the advisor wouldn’t allow it.’ He will give up being in the center of things, but in the meantime he spared himself the pressure.”

The one who thinks he is losing in the meantime from his conduct is actually Yair Lapid. “Lapid is in a very complex place and trapped. Gantz has every interest in reaching a compromise. This strengthens the image of the ‘national unifier’ he is trying to create for himself, helps him with the right wing in his party and also helps him put Lapid in a corner and make him the one who will be dragged after him into a compromise or To mark him as someone who is pushed to the margins and does not accept a compromise.”

To the question of whether the reform is properly explained to the public, he answers that explanation may not help here. “There is really a campaign with channels that have really mobilized. The general media has become the mouthpiece of the demonstration and we have to deal with it. The right answer to brainwashing is not always information. It must not be perceived in the public as if the reform was intended for one particular person or another, but it must be done in order to restore democracy to the State of Israel”.

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