Avi Maoz threatens Smotrich: two places in the top ten or we will compete separately

by time news

The religious Zionist party led by Knesset member Bezalel Smotrich is close to signing a union agreement with its Jewish counterpart led by Knesset member Itamar Ben Gabir, the Noam party which is currently left out of the conclusions publishes its demands and threatens to compete separately.

Avi Maoz’s demands are revealed

This morning (Tuesday) Maoz commented for the first time on the apparent agreement and said in an interview with Boaz Golan on Channel 14: We ask that we have two representatives in the top ten of the list, who will strongly voice the message of Jewish identity, if religious Zionism wants us, great. And if not, Noam will run in the upcoming elections, there are other possible connections on the agenda.”

“The Right will manage to get 61 without us”

Maoz added: The Noam party has a responsibility towards the State of Israel, towards the people of Israel. Our message, of Jewish identity, is a unique voice. We have a responsibility towards the children of Israel, the responsibility I have towards the Jewish identity of the country is enormous. I am not afraid of anyone, I worry about the people of Israel, the children of Israel. Who will protect our children?
Only if Noam is on the list, only if the Jewish identity is part of the list, will the right manage to achieve 61 without us, it won’t happen.”

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