Avi Maoz threatens to withdraw from the coalition: “You approved the public from the Knesset”

by time news

After resigning from the position of Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, the chairman of the Noam MK party Avi Maoz revealed today (Monday) at the faction meeting: “Unfortunately, there is no progress regarding my return to the position, I am waiting for the vote on the budget to see if I will return.”

Maoz hinted that he would not support the state budget if the coalition did not meet his demands: “I will retire from the coalition and serve the public from the Knesset.”

“As you know, I resigned from my position as deputy minister, and unfortunately there is still no progress on the possibility of returning, so I am trying to fulfill my mission as a MK. I will wait until the vote on the budget in the first reading, in order to exhaust the contacts and the attempts to return me to the government. If this does not work, I will act from the Knesset For the benefit of the public,” said Maoz.

Maoz claimed in his statement that “in the last three years, the movement for the quality of government has received more than two hundred thousand NIS from the US government, for conducting workshops in high schools. The movement for the quality of government often petitions against the government, and recently increased its petition to apply to the Prime Minister the restrictions , in order to reverse the results of the last elections according to them.

“Here, a connection of financial support by a foreign government to a distinct political movement, which is trying to influence, through repeated petitions to the High Court, the course of political life and a political coup of the election results has been revealed. The data I revealed ended up in the hands of Senator Tom Cotton, who harshly criticized the The Biden administration is funding an Israeli organization that is engaged in attempts to overthrow the Netanyahu government, and I welcome the cooperation with the senator.

“During my short time as deputy minister, I was exposed to the GPA system and the Ministry of Education’s database of external programs. I want to bring the movement for the quality of government, as an example of what is happening in the database of the external programs of the Ministry of Education. The movement for the quality of government is in the database in the blue track of the GPA system, that is , in a track where there are over 12,000 programs that are not budgeted for by the Ministry of Education and that have no oversight whatsoever. This is an example of the worst possible privatization of education – the introduction of associations and organizations that are funded by foreign funds and foreign countries into the classrooms of Israeli children, without the knowledge of The parents about the identity of these associations and organizations, their agendas, their funding sources and the content they convey to children.”

According to Maoz, “This is one example of what is happening in the database of external programs of the Ministry of Education. This is what I wanted, and still very much want, to take care of. I very much hope that the Likud will abide by the coalition agreements with us, so that I can return and handle, among other things, the database of the Ministry of Education’s external programs. If I return to my position, I commit once again to establish the Shua system, which stands for ‘transparency and information for parents’, and in this system, parents will be able to know what content and which associations and organizations are passing on curriculum to their children. Transparency is necessary in this case.”

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