Aviad Glass, lawyer and gentleman

by time news

In a society that becomes cold and estranged from time to time, which places emphasis on individual culture, the office of Attorney Aviad Glass believes in a holistic approach, in providing personal and non-judgmental treatment, in which each client is a person regardless of who he is. In addition to the comprehensive legal treatment, the office places emphasis on his inner world of the client. The emotional and mental aspect. Because, no matter how successful a legal procedure may be, it can damage the individual’s autonomy and sense of worth, and according to Attorney Glass’ method, the damage must be reduced to the minimum necessary.

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Adv. Aviad Glass

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“The client’s inner world is important to us, because the change starts from within. Therefore, we make the legal information accessible in simple language and enable the client to take an active part in leading the legal strategy for him, while providing professional recommendations and managing the chances against the risks,” says Attorney Aviad Glass.

We are attentive to the client, understand his needs and reflect his interest in the legal process and beyond – because there is no substitute for the health of the body and mind.

Lawyer Aviad Glass began his professional career in the corridors of the Ministry of Justice. In his specialization in the official receiver’s division, or as it is now called – the person in charge of insolvency proceedings and economic rehabilitation, he was thoroughly and thoroughly exposed to insolvency law, enforcement and bankruptcy procedures, but most of all he learned about the sense of mission that would accompany him in his work over the years: “Every case The one I handled until today is far beyond the case. It is a great privilege for me to serve here for a client, to lead, influence and enable people to recover financially and socially.”

He continued his professional path in large and leading firms in these fields, acquired a thorough understanding and comprehensive professional experience in large cases with media influence, and even humorously calls himself a “disaster expert”. After several years, Attorney Glass turned to his independent path, and founded Aviad Glass, a law firm, specializing in comprehensive support of economic crises, and among his clients are private clients, households to companies and a cluster of companies, when according to him, “No one is immune from collapse economically”.

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Adv. Aviad Glass

(Photo: )

The office of Adv. Aviad Glass was a partner in shaping legal norms and precedents, as well as representation in cases with media and economic impact in the financial scope of millions of shekels. In addition to successes in the courts, the office makes sure to represent clients with disabilities on a voluntary basis, and Adv. Aviad Glas is involved and active in initiatives Communalism with teenagers, despite the limited time at his disposal. “We do this with modesty and value, with a deep sense of responsibility, both to the clients and to the community, because that is what is expected of me – first of all as a person, and then as a lawyer.”

Adv. Aviad Glass grew up and was educated in Beit Shan between five brothers. He says that as a child he was not used to a life of welfare and luxury, and experienced difficulties and complexities from a young age. However, those difficulties were translated into action and initiative – in his mature life, Adv. Glass was exposed to action that contributed to his development personally, and acquired tools that will allow him to fight for his clients and their interests in the future. “I served in an elite patrol in the IDF, and then I took part in non-routine activities as part of my work in the intelligence community – in the Prime Minister’s Office, as a diplomat on behalf of the Ministry and in temporary missions overseas,” says Attorney Glass. “I worked hard for years, long and exhausting hours to gain professional recognition and get to where I am. Today, after the long road – I have no fear of challenges,” says Attorney Glass.

Recently, he represented Attorney Glass in a complex and challenging case that recently received extensive media coverage. The case involved many creditors, and required maximum attention, in-depth understanding and the ability to solve complex legal issues. Attorney Glass filed for insolvency proceedings, due to the extent of debts of over From ten million shekels, for two companies related to each other together with the controlling owner and the Arab officers. As part of the procedure, his office submitted a settlement proposal which did not receive the necessary majority according to the insolvency law, and despite the lack of support from the creditors – the court granted the request. “As a precedent, the court approved the settlement proposal, because we were able to convince them that it was a fair, appropriate and just proposal under the circumstances of the case. The approved settlement proposal prevented the sale of the residential apartments owned by the Arabs and the opening of personal insolvency proceedings against them. In practice, the proposal and the ruling opened the door to the rehabilitation of the companies and the guarantors, along with the repayment of the debts in a fair manner,” says Attorney Glass.

From this point of view, Attorney Aviad Glass seeks to sympathize with his clients, and believes that the state does not make the information sufficiently accessible in relation to insolvency procedures. The era in which fault or injustice is attributed to those who find themselves in financial difficulties has passed away. To those stakeholders, either through making the information accessible or through promoting the narrative of economic rehabilitation. In this way we will show social solidarity towards the weak, the migrant, the widow and the orphan and become a better society.

Finally, Attorney Aviad Glass concludes: I am not the main thing here. It is very important to me that the client or potential client know that I am at their disposal. That I truly care about them. Any gap or obstacle can be bridged, with legal tools and as mentioned there is no substitute for the health of the body and mind.

Office address: 64 Sderot Mahginim, Haifa. Adv. Aviad Glass – 054-9247257

Submitted on behalf of: Adv. Aviad Glass

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