Avian flu: concern at the appearance of the first positive case

by time news

The journalist specializing in scientific issues, Pablo Corso, reported in Modo Fontevecchiaby Net TV and Radio Perfil (FM 101.9), about the first positive case of bird flu in poultry in Argentina. The details of the case that causes concern.

First case of free-range bird flu confirmed

It was confirmed yesterday through the Senasa (National Service for Food Health and Quality), with which Argentina He decided self-suspend exports of chicken meat and, apart from that, the country’s status as free of the disease is lost.

It is a positive case of broiler chickens from Mainquecity of Black riverwhich is south of the phytosanitary barrier. It is a place with low poultry densitybut that threw this bad news.

Because so far there is no transmission by the consumption of chicken and eggs, domestic production will continue and the slaughterhouses that export meat will be allowed to market it in our market. On the contrary, exports are suspended, which is a measure taken by the Argentine State in accordance with international regulations.

There is the precedent that Japanlast week, had already suspended the importation of Argentine poultry meat.

Avian flu: for the first case in poultry, the Government suspended exports

He Senasa informs that it will take containment measures to prevent the spread of disease and that it is already working on reestablishing the country’s status as free of bird flusomething that will have to be seen if he gets it soon.

In the last few days, there were 177 notifications of suspected cases of which were confirmed 25 positiveswhich divide in eight provinces: Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Río Negro, Santa Fe, Jujuy, Neuquén, San Luis and Salta.

It should be remembered that it is a disease that is transmitted through the saliva, mucous membranes y stool of sick birds that for now there is no sustained transmission from person to person, but it does worry some researchers and epidemiologists, since on the Peruvian coasts this summer there was an episode of massive mortality of sea lions due to bird flu, which means that the jump to infecting homo sapiens from mammals is more likely and may become a reality in the near future.


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