Avigdor Lieberman: Israeli Government on the Verge of Collapse? Gantz vs Netanyahu

by time news

Lieberman Criticizes Netanyahu and Likud in Radio Interview

In a radio interview with Udi Segal and Anat Davidov on Radio 103fm, Chairman of Israel Beitenu and former minister MK Avigdor Lieberman criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Likud party for their handling of the ongoing conflict. Lieberman addressed the recent debate in the security policy cabinet, particularly the clash between ministers Itamar Ben Gabir and Miri Regev and Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi.

When asked about the achievements of the IDF thus far in combat, Lieberman expressed his admiration for the bravery of IDF soldiers. However, he also voiced frustration with the political echelon, noting the lack of clear strategy and policy directives. He criticized the recent cabinet meeting, which ended in a “heavy exchange of fire” between the Prime Minister and Defense Minister Benny Gantz.

Lieberman suggested that Netanyahu was responsible for the chaos in the cabinet meeting, asserting that the Prime Minister had no interest in a productive discussion about the post-war situation. He questioned Netanyahu’s ability to lead the war, accusing him of fighting solely for his own political survival. Lieberman also criticized the lack of clear goals for the conflict, emphasizing the importance of defining objectives in both the south and the north of Israel.

The former minister went on to address the issue of Israeli control in the north, insisting that the safety of the residents of the Galilee must be ensured. According to Lieberman, the IDF is capable of managing two fronts if necessary, but the problem lies with the political leadership.

Finally, Lieberman emphasized the importance of supporting the team working to secure the release of the abductees. He called on politicians and public figures to fully back the team, which he described as the best and most experienced group to handle the issue.

Overall, Lieberman’s comments in the interview displayed his deep concerns about the current handling of the conflict by the political leadership, particularly Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Likud party. He called for clearer goals and strategy, as well as strong support for the military’s efforts.

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