Avigdor Lieberman Slams Government’s Failure on Terrorism and Yom Kippur Provocations

by time news

Title: Avigdor Lieberman Criticizes Government’s Handling of Security and Yom Kippur Incident

Date: [Insert Date]

Israel Beytinu Chairman, Avigdor Lieberman, expressed his strong disapproval of the government’s management of security concerns and the recent controversy surrounding Yom Kippur events. In a conversation with Anat Davidov and Guy Peleg on Tuesday, Lieberman condemned the government’s failure to effectively combat terrorism, calling it the “most failed government in Israel’s history.”

Highlighting the escalating security situation, Lieberman emphasized the need for a different approach in dealing with the ongoing tensions. He stated, “We have had at least 35 people murdered since the beginning of the year. Hamas not only provokes the fence, it takes responsibility for the murder of Jews and welcomes every murder of a Jew, even when it does not take responsibility.” Lieberman advocated for stricter control over border crossings, ceasing the transfer of money, and halting the flow of cement. He also criticized the government’s lenience towards terrorism and called for targeted countermeasures against those who support or endorse violence against Jews.

Lieberman demanded a change in the government’s approach towards Palestinian Authority President Abu Mazen. He asserted that terrorism cannot be effectively countered without imposing consequences on those who support it. Moreover, Lieberman accused Abu Mazen of being a holocaust denier and highlighted the paradox of him living off the security provided by Israel while simultaneously filing complaints against the nation at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

Addressing the Yom Kippur incident in Tel Aviv, Lieberman sharply criticized Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government, deeming it a deliberate provocation against the secular public. He condemned the disruption of prayer at Dizengoff Square, stating, “To take the holiest day in Judaism and turn it into a day of strife – only Netanyahu and his Messianic government can do it.” Lieberman emphasized the importance of maintaining mutual respect within Judaism and accused the government of incitement and fostering hatred for political gain.

Lieberman’s comments come amidst the backdrop of intensifying hostilities between Israel and Hamas, as well as concerns regarding internal divisions within Israeli society. The upcoming elections may be influenced by these pressing security and cultural issues.

This article was prepared with the assistance of Michal Kadosh from 103fm.

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