Avignon: posters of Macron grimé as Hitler plastered in the city, an open investigation

by time news

2023-05-18 14:27:56

During the night from Wednesday to Thursday, posters representing the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron made up as Adolf Hitler flowered in the advertising inserts of the streets of Avignon (Vaucluse). About 30 signs have been placed in the city, reports France Blue. The municipality has announced that it will file a complaint. An investigation for public insult to the president and provocation to rebellion has been opened, AFP learned Thursday from the Avignon prosecutor Florence Galtier.

This image of Emmanuel Macron comes from a painting made last April in Avignon by the graffiti artist Lekto, and which had already sparked a controversy. We see the Head of State with facial features similar to those of the Nazi leader and the inscription 49.3 as a mustache, in reference to the use of this text of law on several occasions by the government, in particular to pass the pension reform. The drawing had been erased by the municipality quickly.

From wild posting

On the posters placed in recent hours, we can read the text “civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the State becomes outlawed or corrupt”. The leaflet is signed Gandhi and one can read at the bottom left “this is a satirical illustration”.

The signs were placed in the approximately 120 advertising inserts on the Clear Channel display. The latter assures France Bleu that it is a wild posting, which has never been validated by its services. The posters should be removed during the day.

“It’s unacceptable,” tweeted Malika Di Fraja, president of the Renaissance party in Vaucluse. “This disrespectful attitude on the part of some is intolerable. I condemn these actions. France deserves better. Renaud Muselier, president of the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur region, ex-LR who rallied the President of the Republic, also reacted on Twitter: “How far will they go in indignity and in the abject? It is high time to sanction in the most severe way possible those who indulge in such odious campaigns. Total condemnation, and support for Emmanuel Macron: “

The author or authors of this wild placarding incur sentences of two months in prison and a fine of 7,500 euros for incitement to rebellion, and a criminal fine of 12,000 euros for insulting the president, specified to AFP the prosecutor of Avignon.

Lekto had been targeted in 2022 by a complaint from the economist Jacques Attali, after having produced a fresco with anti-Semitic hints representing Emmanuel Macron in the form of a puppet manipulated by the adviser.

#Avignon #posters #Macron #grimé #Hitler #plastered #city #open #investigation

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