Avis, permanent registrations in Lombardy, but declining donations

by time news

2023-04-23 15:01:33

President Oscar Bianchi’s analysis: “Consequences of failure to program and plan the system”.

At the 52nd annual meeting of Avis Regione Lombardia, a clear fact emerged: constant registrations, but 1.2% less donations.

Avis: Donations down

Despite the fact that new registrations remain constant (21,683 in 2021 and 21,584 in 2022) as well as the primary role at national level, accounting for ¼ of total donors and a 20% contribution to total donations, Avis Regionale Lombardia sees in the flow of donations negative sign. This is the conclusion of the 52nd Annual Meeting of Avis Regionale Lombardia, held on Sunday April 23, 2023 at the Giovanni XXIII Congress Center in Viale Papa Giovanni XXIII, 106, Bergamo.

“The drop in donations by -1.2% (466,346 in 2022, 472,022 in 2021) – he explains Oskar Bianchi, President of Avis Regionale Lombardia – despite the increase in donor members (261,124 in 2022, 258,900 in 2021), is a symptom of the continuous “stop and go” of hospital donation restrictions due to the lack of medical staff. In other words, this drop in donations is a direct result of a lack of programming and planning. I will never tire of repeating on behalf of the entire association that the blood system is not an emergency, just as our 269,629 members are not suppliers, but a legacy that needs to be protected and invested in.”

The annual institutional appointment therefore meant for Avis Regionale Lombardia,
the opportunity to underline the request that this legacy, built in 52 years, be donated
History is given due consideration in a common path, so that the system
Transfusion can be made more efficient and safer and associative activity preserved
all its implementations. The Annual Assembly, held in Bergamo, due to the important role of the city, which was “Italian Capital of Culture 2023” with Brescia and “Italian Capital of Volunteering” in 2022, saw a review of the activities, projects and initiatives carried out by Avis Regionale Lombardia to to sensitize young people in particular to the gesture of giving: think of the Avis Re-Evolution project, which aims to launch an experiment on the use of telemedicine in the context of pre-donation visitation procedures and the protection of the health of the donor, which is currently in the implementation planning phase; or the competition “Avisini che Spectacular!”, a talent project developed in collaboration with Officine Buone and in partnership with the Municipality of Cinisello Balsamo, proposed again this year in its second edition.

The Role of Youth

And it was precisely the young people who were given space at the meeting to present the results
of the meeting “Which Avis for which future…?” dedicated to Avisini employees aged 18 to 35 and on Saturday 22 participation and the formation of a new ruling class.

“The need to identify new tools aimed at finding resources is now inevitable – concludes Bianchi – fundraising, participation in tenders, co-planning tools promoted by the Third Sector Code. Opening to the outside, promoting generational renewal, identifying new tools, developing agreements and conventions, proposing a coherent association: Avis Lombardia has focused on these guidelines and will continue to work, playing a role to represent associations towards institutions and innovative projects and to identify technological solutions, always with the ultimate goal of protecting the centrality of donation in the service of the patient.”

#Avis #permanent #registrations #Lombardy #declining #donations

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