Avoid the Elizabethan collar on your dog or cat

by time news

2024-01-26 12:18:53

Sometimes the solution to a problem can turn into a bigger problem. Far from being a tongue twister, this is a reality that applies to many facets of life. And it also affects the health of pets, through something as common as elizabethan necklace. This device, which is normally used to prevent Dogs and cats hurt themselves after surgery or when they have stitches or some other skin injury, it does what it promises, but it can also affect them negatively.

It is especially a problem for cats, for whom it causes great stress. Dogs adapt better to these types of situations. However, they can also suffer for various reasons. In general, in addition to stressthe Elizabethan collar may affect the ability to eat, drink or play and interact with other animals. It can also cause irritation to the skin on the neck and cause accidents, as it hinders the vision of our pets, who can collide with walls or even fall down the stairs.

For this reason, although we cannot deny that there are times when the Elizabethan collar is essential, more and more veterinarians recommend leaving it behind. only as a last option and opt for other less intrusive alternatives.

The problems of the Elizabethan collar

In 2020, a team of veterinarians from the University of Sydney published a study that analyzed the problems of the Elizabethan collar in dogs and cats that had used it during the last year. To do this, he surveyed his guardians about their pets’ quality of life while they used it. Of the 434 people surveyed, 77.4% reported that the device had worsened their furry friend’s quality of life. Above all, his ability to play with other animals and to drink was altered.

Specifically, 67.5% of those surveyed spoke of problems with gambling and 60.2% of difficulties with drinking. Next, the next most mentioned problem was injuries, as 25% of guardians mentioned that their pets had experienced itching, wounds, psychological distress or accidents due to crashes and falls.

Cats get very stressed with the Elizabethan collar. Credit: Wikimedia Commons

More problematic for cats

In statements to Hypertextualthe veterinarian specialized in felines Fatima Blanco explains that the Elizabethan collar represents a great source of stress for cats. “It’s tremendously stressful,” she notes. “Many of them fight until they get it off and that in the post-operative period is not recommended at all.”

Furthermore, its use is sometimes as useless as it is counterproductive. “They are not very effective if there are more animals at home because the licking can come from them,” adds the veterinarian. “They can stop eating, drinking, even moving.”

As the expert explains, dogs adapt better, but they also tend to suffer from their use. Therefore, it is important to take into account when it is essential and when you can resort to alternatives.

The best alternatives for the Elizabethan collar

Veterinarians are increasingly informed about the risks of the Elizabethan collar and should not prescribe it if it is not necessary. Sometimes, according to Fátima Blanco, there is no choice but to use it. “There are pathologies like corneal ulcers or facial problems in which there is no choice but to put them.”

However, on other occasions, there are interesting alternatives. For example, the veterinarian comments that in cats the bodysuits that cover the bodyso that the area that should not be touched is covered.

At other times, there is no choice but to go around the neck. However, for that, there are fabric collars which are not as problematic as the Elizabethan collar.

When in doubt, the best option is to consult with our pet’s veterinarian. And of course, if we are not sure, we can express our concern about the use of the Elizabethan collar. We all want the best for our furry friends and for that we must protect them when necessary, but in a way that the protection does not entail another major risk.

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