Avoid these 20 things that can ruin your first date

by time news

2023-11-08 21:00:28

Talking too much about yourself, being late, or remembering your ex are not good ideas for an initial meeting. Follow our tips for a successful first date.

Last update: November 8, 2023

You searched in a app, you asked about that acquaintance of your friend or they coordinated a blind meeting for you. Whatever the route to the initial appointment, first impressions set an unforgettable precedent. In addition, they determine a potential second instance.

But how to have a successful evening without knowing each other? The key is in balance, both in conversation and in the presentation of one’s interests. And, without a doubt, avoid these 20 things that can ruin your first date.

What you should avoid to make a good impression

Go through this exciting and fearsome instance in the best way. As? By avoiding the following situations, actions and themes you can ensure an unforgettable first date.

1. Arriving very late

Arriving late to a first meeting predisposes the rest of the date in a bad way. Making the other person wait translates as a lack of consideration.

Of course, there may be exceptional cases due to emergencies. However, do your best to avoid having to explain this. If punctuality is a general problem for you, we leave you this guide to stop being late everywhere.

2. Looking at your cell phone excessively

Another rude behavior that should be paid attention to is this. It is possible that current habits make us interact with the phone automatically. However, There is another person in front of you who will dislike that attitude..

3. Talk about your ex

An unavoidable maxim in initial meetings is not to talk about your ex. Nobody wants to hear how good or bad that person was. nor why he broke your heart. Much less, hearing attitudinal or physical comparisons that make you uncomfortable.

These topics are for later meetings, where the generation of trust allows misunderstandings to be avoided. In addition, It is not advisable to emphasize personal sexual history. Intimate life can differ greatly between people and is something that is likely to generate disagreements.

4. Come unkempt

It is not necessary to dress in tails and galley, although it is necessary to show a neat image. The outfit on the first date is important.

Of course, the clothing depends on the type of plan and the context, but common sense must prevail. Avoid dirty hair, unironed shirts and stained clothing.

A good option for daytime meetings are always jeans well combined with blouses or light shirts. For its part, on date nights you can be a little more daring and wear elegant outfits.

5. Talk about marriage and children

Getting married or having children is the dream of many people, but you still don’t know if it is your date’s dream. For this reason, it is better not to rush with these issues.

Your interlocutor may feel pressured into a search they do not want. It is not advisable to get ahead of deep topics, which are more viable to address in later meetings.

6. Go to the cinema or theater

While some couples choose to watch a movie on their first meeting, The truth is that two or three hours will pass in silence. The same goes for plays. Unless it is a prior pleasure for both of you and there is then a coordinated dinner, it is better to avoid such outings.

In any case, if it works out, it opens up a common topic of conversation for a future date. Keep in mind that, in order not to ruin it, they must overcome the extended silence.

7. Eat strong dishes

Dinners in restaurants or bars are usually highly chosen for first dates. Although some believe that it is an ideal plan for second or third meetings, it is a traditional and viable option, but with certain caveats.

For example, you should not order the following dishes:

Spicy: the stomach can play tricks.
Garlic and onion: You don’t need to explain much. The breath will tell everything.
Sopa: It is advisable to avoid them due to the noise produced when taking them.
Burgers: Nothing that you take with your hands and has a lot of fat or sauce is recommended.
Seafood: Fish, prawns, shrimp and the like are difficult to digest and powerful for your breath.

8. Rush with sex

Nowadays, sex is no longer a taboo topic like before. In fact, many people seek to have it in the same initial meeting.

However, it is a question in which you have to adapt to the context and interpret other people’s desires. Being insistent when the interlocutor does not have the same intention It’s one of the things that can ruin your first date.

9. Emphasize personal beliefs

A first date is not a discussion table. Although appearing authentic is a virtue, it is also not necessary to resort to topics that may arouse sensitivity.

You have to analyze the context and be accurate with what the talk asks for. No one likes being tried to convince them of certain ideals when they are just getting to know each other.

10. Talk about family tragedies

Don’t turn the space into a therapy session. All people carry complex situations that do not need to be explained in detail during the first date. It is possible to show your sensitivity in other, less overwhelming ways..

11. Complaining all the time ruins your first date

People who are very picky about their first impression are annoying. Problems at work, in study or in the family? Save them for future meetings. Talks loaded with negativity do not come to fruition.

Much less be complaining with the waiters if it is a dinner or with any service worker. In these cases, it is important to demonstrate cordiality.

12. Talk a lot about yourself

It is true: it is a first meeting and you have to make yourself known, but it is not necessary to fall into egocentrism. Don’t just talk about yourself and listen to what the other person has to say.

13. Don’t ask anything interesting

It is wise to ask questions to reflect on your interlocutor. Although you don’t have to force situations either.

It is not a job interview or an interrogation. Try to create a fluid conversation, giving the other person space to respond. You can even use these questions to find out if your date likes you; It will create an interesting context and help you understand how the situation is turning out.

14. Mention money frequently

In this regard, both extremes can ruin your date: both showing off a lot of money and complaining about its scarcity. If the situation is the first, it is possible to be vain, while the second can lead to a complaining profile.

15. Exaggerating or faking it can ruin your first date.

Being authentic is essential to being successful on a first date. Exaggerating qualities or lying about anecdotes and personal characteristics, in the short or medium term, ends badly. It is also not advisable to force interests with the other person.

16. Being unpleasant with manners

There are obvious things that, in any case, must be clarified. When it comes to a dinner it is important to maintain the best possible manners, as well as avoid eschatological topics in conversations.

Situations may occur in which the talk tends towards that place, such as certain foods and their characteristics, but there is no need to delve into it in any way..

17. Emphasize weaknesses

Remember: constant negativity does not generate pleasant conversations. This includes frequent complaints, personal problems and also one’s own weaknesses. It’s okay to be humble, but it’s not necessary to expose all your insecurities.

18. Putting too much pressure on yourself

Arriving at the date with the pressure of everything going great and ending up in a stable relationship interferes with enjoying the moment. It can continue or not and neither possibility is wrong. Not all people are compatibleso you have to remove that burden and have a good time.

19. Go to classic places alone

Don’t stick to restaurants or movie theaters. Bares, pubs and wine cellars are increasingly diverse and also offer conducive environments for a first meeting.

Others opt for daytime dates, like going out to a park or bowling. Analyze which one your guest may like the most.

20. Pay just to be a man

Before it was an unquestionable act of chivalry. Nowadays, not all people share the same belief.

Even the payment situation can lead to an awkward moment. It is not wrong for the man to invite the first date and not to do it halfway either.

A good way to find out is Ask the other person if you can invite them, before assuming it as a fact. On the other hand, many believe that the person who should pay for the initial appointment is the one who proposed it.

How do you know if you’ve avoided the things that can ruin your first date?

In many surveys on the subject, most people suggest that the success of this meeting was realized when a second one was planned. Avoid these 20 situations that can ruin it and you will have a better chance of surviving the first date and preparing for a new date.

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