Avri Gilad on Zalansky: “He brought complete destruction on his own land when there was no need for it”

by time news

In a column published in “Israel Today”, the media man and presenter Avri Gilad sharply criticizes Ukrainian President Vladimir Zalensky, blaming him for the destruction of his country, Gilad also refers to Zalanski’s Judaism and claims that the latter fact will only bring an antisemitic wave after the war.

Zlansky Photo: shutterstock

“In Zalansky’s eyes he is the most failed leader in history, a man who with his own hands brought complete destruction to his country when there was no need for it. Had he been a little more flexible, not a drop of borscht would have been drained in this violent conflict. Of Syria. ” Gilad writes and explicitly compares Zalansky to Bar Kochba, who did not know how to surrender and bow his head in front of the Roman Empire and thus led to the destruction of the Jewish settlement after the great revolt against the Romans.

After the war, Zalansky will be remembered as a Jew, and this will, God forbid, trigger another wave of anti-Semitism on top of the wave that already exists.

He claims that this detail in the biography of the popular president who dared to raise his head in front of Putin is twice as sad: “A wave of anti-Semitism is on top of the existing wave anyway. But that’s not the main point. As a Jew, Zalanski had to learn the lesson from Bar Kochba, the other Jewish leader who provoked the empire and paid the highest price – complete destruction of his country for honor.”

Zlansky had to bow his head in front of Putin and Russia, give up the disputed territorial territories

Gilad argues that Zalanski should have bowed his head to Putin and Russia, given up the disputed territorial territories and joined NATO, out of a deep historical awareness that empires are about to fall, and when they fall – one can raise one’s head above the water. Because empires have such a hobby, erasing entire cultures as a fun pastime, and the weakness of empires is that they always fall, slowly or quickly – they disappear. “Therefore small nations, like ours, like the Ukrainians, must sometimes take a deep breath, accept the evil of the decrees and know that within a few years the evil empire will disappear, and the head will be able to come out of the water.”

Had Zalanski behaved in this way, Gilad writes, life in Kiev would have continued in their routine for the time being. Since Zelsky chose a confrontation, he got a confrontation. One that includes total destruction and devastation on the Syrian scale.

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