Awarded the De Sanctis Prize for Economic Sciences to Raffaella Sadun and Guido Tabellini

by time news – Economists Raffaella Sadun and Guido Tabellini will receive the De Sanctis Prize for Economic Sciences on Tuesday 6 September 2022, at 11 am, in a ceremony conducted by Corrado Augias at the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The event will be broadcast live on Rai3.

The actors Giorgio Pasotti and Alessandro Preziosi will read the reasons for the awards.

Raffaella Sadun, included by Corriere della Sera among the 100 most important economists in the worldis Professor of Business Administration at Harward Business School, currently part of the Council Presidency’s group of economic advisors.

Guido Tabellini is an economist and academic and was rector of the Luigi Bocconi University of Milan from 2008 to 2012. They are the protagonists of the first edition of the De Sanctis Award dedicated to the economy. Francesco De Sanctis was a man of thought with a vision that started from literature and extended to the whole sphere of knowledge.

“This is why the Foundation has decided to extend the De Sanctis prize, which was created for literature, to other disciplines as well. Last year the Europe prize and the Social Health prize were established and this year the prize for Human Rights and the award for Economic Sciences “, explains Francesco De Sanctis, president of the Foundation and great-grandson of the famous scholar to whom it is named.

The jury of the award is composed of: Carlo Cottarelli (president); Franco Anelli; Oriana Bandiera; Giuseppe Chinè; Veronica Guerrieri; Gianni Letta; Gianluca Trequattrini.

“I think the prize De Sanctis for Economic Sciences will become an important annual appointment for our economy and our culture. I am honored to have chaired the first jury of the award that goes to two absolute excellences of our academic world and I thank the other members of the jury who contributed to the selection of the winners “, declares Carlo Cottarelli.

Among the institutional personalities who confirmed their participation: Daniele Franco, Minister of Economy and Finance, Pietro Curzio, President of the Supreme Court of Cassation, Guido Carlino, President of Corte Conti, Maria Chiara Carrozza, President of Cnr, Carlo Fuortes, CEO Rai, Giovanni Melillo, national anti-mafia prosecutor, Pasquale Tridico, INPS president, Christian Masset, Ambassador of France to Italy. At the end of the ceremony, the Patron of the Gianni Letta Prize will deliver the medal of the President of the Republic at the De Sanctis Prize to the President of the De Sanctis Foundation.

The De Sanctis Foundation was founded in 2007 on the initiative of the architect Francesco De Sanctis, great-grandson of the literary critic and Prime Minister of Education.

Its goal is make the legacy of the literate the starting point for a cultural project that updates the work and thought of Francesco De Sanctis as a collective heritage and thus make it a living and contemporary material, not only at a national level but also at a European level. With this perspective, the Foundation makes the international spread of the Italian artistic, literary, philosophical and political identity its main mission.

Particular attention is dedicated to the southern roots with a careful look at the European cultural realities that have developed from those same roots.

The award is organized with the patronage of the Senate of the Republic, the Chamber of Deputies, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Municipality of Rome, the Bank of Italy, the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rai and with the participation of UniCredit, CDP, Autostrade for Italy, Open Fiber, Il Sole 24 Ore, Athesis publishing group, L’Igiene Urbana Evolution, Esclapon & co, Sina Bernini Bristol and Ita-Airways.

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