Awareness campaign on the screwworm is launched in Mexico

by times news cr

He Senasica will place informational material on the screwworm of livestock in more than 4,400 pharmacies and veterinary clinics in Chiapas, Tabasco, Yucatan, Quintana Roo, Campeche, Oaxaca and south of Veracruz, which are attended by producers, veterinarians and the general public to receive medical assistance for their animals.

Public address systems will be installed in official vehicles and in vans of the state committees. Livestock Promotion and Protectionin order to raise awareness among the population about the risk that the plague represents for livestock, public health and wildlife.

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They also seek to raise awareness among tourists and migrants who cross the states of the South Southeast on foot, where they will place information banners at toll booths in the region and signs in the houses of the Migrant.

As part of the operational actions of the National Animal Health Emergency Device (Dinesa) to prevent the entry of the screwworm into Mexico Cochliomyia hominivorax-coquerelAgriculture launched the information campaign.

The strategy seeks that, in addition to the actions carried out by the technicians of the National Service for Health, Safety and Food Quality (Senasica) to reduce the probability of admission of the GBG In the national territory, people who interact with animals in the states bordering the southern border have basic information to identify the worm and immediately report it to the health authority.

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The Cochliomyia hominivorax-coquerel or ‘man-eater’ fly is an exotic pest that can spread rapidly, laying its eggs in wounds of warm-blooded animals, where they become larvae and within 12 to 24 hours begin to feed on living tissue until they reach vital organs, and in a few days they can cause death to various species, such as calves, dogs, birds and even humans.


2024-09-21 06:04:54

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