Awareness month: this is how the yeshiva student returned to routine: everything you need to know about multiple sclerosis

by time news

2023-05-24 17:44:27

This month marks the world’s Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month. “Multiple sclerosis, despite its name, is not a common disease and today about 8,500 patients are diagnosed in Israel. It is an autoimmune disease, meaning a condition in which the immune system, which is supposed to protect the body from infections, makes a mistake and attacks the patient’s own body and causes disease,” explains D Dr. Yitzhak Friedman, a doctor at the Multiple Sclerosis and Neuro-Immunology Clinic at Beilinson Hospital.

“The central nervous system located in the brain and spinal cord controls all the actions that take place in the body, including the activation of muscles, the use of the various senses such as sight, hearing, taste and touch, is responsible for the ability to walk, balance and more. In multiple sclerosis, the immune system may damage any of these activities of the brain and cause functional difficulties at different levels to the point of severe disability,” he explains.

Dr. Yitzhak Friedman | Photo: Dovrot

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We seek to understand how the disease is diagnosed, and Dr. Friedman replies: “The diagnosis of multiple sclerosis depends on several factors and sometimes it is difficult to reach a definite diagnosis. First, the diagnosis depends on the presence of an acute or progressive neurological disorder. In addition, it is necessary to perform an MRI of the brain and spine and check whether there is evidence of lesions suitable for multiple sclerosis. Sometimes it is necessary to complete additional tests such as a lumbar puncture or additional blood tests and imaging, in order to rule out other diseases.”

Dr. Friedman emphasizes: “Today, when there are effective drugs against multiple sclerosis, early diagnosis of the disease is important. Earlier treatment with effective drugs can reduce the number of attacks and reduce the risk of functional deterioration and even disability later on.”

So how do you treat? “For about 30 years, there have been different and varied treatments for multiple sclerosis. Some of the drugs are used to treat the symptoms of the disease in order to ease and improve the patients’ quality of life (symptomatic treatments), some are intended for treatment during an attack, and some are intended for the treatment of the inflammation itself,” replies Dr. Friedman and expands.

“These drugs work in different forms and different ways of administration, starting with injections given several times a week, through pill treatment and ending with infusion treatments once a month or several months. Each treatment has different effectiveness, different side effects, and therefore it is necessary to adjust the right medicine for each patient This process, similar to the diagnostic process, is done within the framework of multiple sclerosis clinics located in various medical centers.”

Many in the public are not familiar with the disease and there are even many stigmas regarding it due to the period when there were no effective treatments and this disease caused severe disability. Today, when there are many effective treatments, there are still many concerns. The lack of knowledge and the fear of this disease sometimes cause late diagnosis, fear of different treatments, as well as fear of the implications of this disease on the construction of the house, pregnancy and childbirth.

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Finally, Dr. Friedman shares an exciting story with us: “Several months ago, a young yeshiva student came to my clinic after complaining of difficulty seeing. During a short period of time there was a significant deterioration in his condition to the point of difficulty in reading, difficulty in walking and in fact he could not continue studying and continue his daily routine. The lack of familiarity with the disease and its meanings caused a delay in his arrival at the clinic.

“After a long conversation with the patient and his family members, explanations about the nature of the disease and possible treatments, he was hospitalized for the treatment of the attack in addition to starting preventive treatment, and in a short time he returned to full function, returned to studying while sitting and continues regular follow-up at the clinic” concludes Dr. Friedman with satisfaction.

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