AXA proposes three mandatory insurances

by time news

2023-04-24 10:29:26

Mexico City /

Daniel Bandlegeneral director of AXA Seguros México, stressed that the insurance potential in the country “is enormous due to the low penetration that exists,” and that for this reason his company “will do everything necessary to protect Mexicans in all areas.” .

His pointing is not a marketing slogan. AXA Seguros is a “serious and solid” company, one of the most prestigious on a global scale, which every year carries out in-depth analysis of future risks in order to face them so that people “do not feel so vulnerable”.

I ask him if it is possible to have a health system like in Denmark, and he replied: “I am Swiss and I know the system of my country. There are four elements to consider: all Swiss have health insurance and it is compulsory; insurers have to accept any client regardless of age, and these can be changed every year and, finally, the rates are imposed by the State and there are different price lists”.

This method does not exist in Mexico, and that is why insurers cannot accept “everyone who wants insurance.” Bandle made his proposal for compulsory insurance within the country:

“The first is car insurance with civil liability to third parties to cover victims of serious mishaps; in CdMx less than 50 percent are insured although it is mandatory; the second is insurance against catastrophes where part of the property tax, for example in CdMx, would cover the payments; the third is health insurance, and there are many mechanisms to do it. The problem is that the system is very fragmented with the IMSS, the ISSSTE, public hospitals, Pemex, the military and private”.

Daniel Bandle is more in favor of a preventive system, which takes advantage of the full range of existing insurance services to provide solutions. We’ll talk about that on Wednesday.

next room

Rojo 85 and Visualshot are two firms that operate irregularly within outdoor advertising in CdMx. The previous mayor in Miguel Hidalgo, Victor Hugo Romo, He gave them documents to market each one, 150 advertisements known as “walls”; with them they have promoted injunctions against the new law on outdoor advertising of the head of government Claudia SheinbaumRodolfo Sanchez is shaping up to preside over the Colegio de Arquitectos CdMx and the Society of Architects of Mexico for the period 2023-2025.

#AXA #proposes #mandatory #insurances

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