Ayelet Shaked expels us only because of the color of our skin

by time news

Ashriel Moore (PR)

Will you return to your country, they say? And I ask what is our country?

The Hebrew pioneers who returned to Israel in the 1960s returned to implement the vision of the Return to Zion just as the immigrants from other countries wanted. When the call came to immigrate to Israel in the 1940s with the slogan “Free immigration to the Hebrew state”, we, the members of the Hebrew community, responded to this call, and returned home in 1968. It immediately became clear that they did not really mean free immigration for all the people of Israel, but for people from specific backgrounds, and specific countries.

Today the Ministry of the Interior wants to expel us from the country, what they are actually saying is “return to your country” and I and I ask where is “our country”?

Is this referring to the United States? A country we were taken against our will in the mid-15th century off the coast of West Africa by European merchants, after being sold by the locals into slavery for guns, and cloths because no one wanted “Hebrew foreigners” in their country. This country you call – “our country”? It is a gross distortion of historical, anthropological and geographical facts. Since when does an exile state become a country of origin? If so, should Iraqis return to Iraq? Moroccans to Morocco, Germans, Poles and Ukrainians to Europe?

The United States is the country we were taken to as slaves, the country where we were persecuted, hung from trees, put children in a firing squad, and burned alive. This is not our country.

The United States where they mentally, and physically abused Hebrew men in front of their wives to instill fear in women and children, the state that destroyed all our businesses, that condemned anyone who studied Torah or observed Torah commandments and customs to death and therefore had to keep them secret, this is not our country.

The state that enacted separation laws between us and whites? Who denied all our basic rights, and trampled on every piece of humanity we built solely because we were Hebrews. The state has called us in its constitution 60% human beings, claiming that there are no laws relating to us that whites are obligated to respect. This is what our country is called?

Although the traumatic experiences of Israelis in the Diaspora throughout history, in Spain, Russia, Poland, Germany, and other European countries are similar to our experiences in the United States, there is complete disregard and an attempt to rewrite our history and change narrative. A cruel, difficult and traumatic experience of 400 years, which has left scars among us to this day not only does not receive the proper treatment, it does not receive any treatment at all.

Worse, the Minister of the Interior of the State of Israel, Ayelet Shaked, and Jewish government officials in the Population Authority want to deport Jewish Jews from the Land of Israel back to our state of exile and trauma slavery, solely because of the color of our skin.

Author: Ashriel Moore, representative of the Jewish community from Dimona

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