Ayelet Shaked: “Thinking of smiling children who were murdered”

by time news

Ayelet Shaked (Flash 90 / Olivia Fitoussi)

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett:
6 candles, 6 million Jews, and one woman larger than life. Aliza Landau, a Holocaust survivor who visited me today in my office. Cheerful, the inspiration to us all.

Minister of the Interior Ayelet Shaked:
“On Holocaust Day, I think of smiling children who were murdered, girls with aspirations who were slaughtered and parents with dreams who were slaughtered just because they were Jews.”

Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu:
On the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, we all commemorate the memory of our brothers and sisters, 6 million girls and people who perished in the inferno of the Holocaust. Even today, we must ensure the security and future of our people in the face of the terrorist regimes, led by Iran, that are rising up against us. Never again – this is our top mission.

Alternate Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid:

Knesset Speaker Miki Levy:

MK Katie Sheetrit:
‘Our war, when it comes, no matter how short it is, will not be forgotten! We will live in the pages of Jewish history! Most of us will fall in battle. But we will live, in the lives and hearts of future generations and in the pages of their history “(Pavel Frenkel)

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