Azerbaijan ANNOUNCED its decision – WILL Armenia be executed? – 2024-04-05 21:37:01

by times news cr

2024-04-05 21:37:01

Author: Tahmez Asadov

Source: Trend

Those who caressed Armenia’s head stood in line to hang a curtain over Azerbaijan.

First, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken called President Ilham Aliyev. The fact that the secretary of state of a country like the United States (in Biden’s current situation, he runs the country) calls President Ilham Aliyev and tries to explain his position, is an indicator of the influence and weight of the Azerbaijani state and President Ilham Aliyev at the global level. This fact once again suggests that the “super” powers of the world already understand the importance of settling accounts with Azerbaijan in such regional issues.

In this telephone conversation, Blinken tried to convince the head of state that the meeting with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in Brussels on April 5 is not against Azerbaijan. Blinken said that the main essence of the meeting will be the economic development of Armenia. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s call to President Ilham Aliyev regarding the meeting to be held in Brussels on April 5 can be interpreted as an “explanation”, “report”, “an attempt to prevent Azerbaijan’s decisive steps”.

A day after the US Secretary of State, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, also called the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev. Thus, both officials – Blinken and Von der Leyen – who will meet with the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan in Brussels today and announce the support plan for Armenia, found it necessary to inform the head of state Ilham Aliyev.

In this telephone conversation, Von der Leyen first talked about the increasing cooperation between the European Union and Azerbaijan in various fields, and finally expressed his views on the meeting in Brussels. President Ilham Aliyev said that Azerbaijan is committed to cooperation with both the United States and the European Union, and added his critical views on the Brussels meeting, reminding that it will cause tension.

These consecutive phone calls to Baku once again confirm that both Washington and Brussels are aware of Baku’s concerns. If in Brussels it will be about economic support to Armenia, it will not affect Azerbaijan, and if promises of security and military assistance will be given to Armenia, it will have a negative impact on the situation in the region. The choice is between Washington and Brussels. Neither should repeat France’s mistake. At least Italy has an example.

However, the movement of the other side on the Azerbaijan-Armenia conditional border before this meeting raises disturbing questions:

– What is the reason for the activity of the Armenian Army on the eve of this meeting?

– If the official Yerevan will not receive any guarantees regarding its security from Brussels and Washington, then what is the reason behind such a step by Armenia that will aggravate the situation? Let’s take into account that the diplomatic tension between Russia and Armenia has disabled the question of whether Moscow will provide military support to Yerevan.

The reality is that Armenia has been Russia’s platform in the region for 30 years, but now it is eager to become a military platform of the West, led by France. The most remarkable point here is that official Tehran ignores the ongoing processes towards the establishment of the US and EU military base on Iran’s borders.

Undoubtedly, the main goal of this game is to completely neutralize Russia in the region and save Armenia from its orbit. But it seems that the West is planning to do this precisely at the expense of a new military base in the region. Again, Armenia is in the lead role…

Armenia’s establishment of offensive bases on the conventional border with Azerbaijan, its actions to increase the number of military equipment and manpower in those directions greatly strengthens the claims that escalation will occur in the near future. Instead of signing a peace agreement with Azerbaijan, he was deceived by the sweet promises of the West, led by France, and tried his best to break the silence again.

But unfortunately, the geopolitical games taking place in the South Caucasus region seem to be part of the scenario of World War III and the re-partition of the world. The new reality and status quo created by President Ilham Aliyev in the region are seriously worrying the well-known Western circles. The prolongation of the peace process, the military maneuvers calculated to intensify the situation in the region show that the West and the patrons of Armenia do not want to come to terms with this situation.

The West is of the opinion that it will take control of the situation by making a “control shot” to Russia in the South Caucasus. But those circles should also take into account the Azerbaijan factor and manage to find a common line with official Baku on regional issues. Otherwise, Azerbaijan will immediately destroy threats to its territorial integrity. Because under no circumstances will Azerbaijan allow Armenia to rise again and create a new source of conflict in the region.

In the telephone conversation, Blinken stressed that the April 5 meeting was not against Azerbaijan, but President Ilham Aliyev struck the iron hotly. The determination and principledness of the head of state’s words indicate the seriousness of the situation. Official Baku once again openly stated that if Armenia’s arming continues, provocations may occur, and at this time the response of the Azerbaijani side will be harsh.

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