“Azili apologized. I’m going back to wearing the scarf”

by time news

In the video at the top of the page: Greinik’s words last week

Since the publication of the correspondence in ‘News 13’ between Omer Atzili and Dor Micah last week, the “football players and minors” case continues to occupy the public discourse in Israel. The entertainer Avi Greinik, a long-time fan of Maccabi Haifa, spoke last week in the news section of the ‘Sport News’, when at the end he announced that he will continue to support the team from home, but will not come to the games. To this he added an act of protest in which he took off the veil of the Greens.

Today, spoke Greinik Again on Almog Boker’s program on Channel 13, and he sounds a little different: “They claim that the investigation is unbalanced. I say that there is no way that 30% of it is not true, and that is enough for me. I trust the legal system that exonerated Azili. As I trust it Here, I trust her regarding Bibi. I’m not in favor of Azili going to prison, I’m in favor of him playing football at Maccabi Haifa.”

He also said: “I returned the scarf after removing it. I take the opportunity to say that for me as a customer with certain moral values, for me there is a beginning of treatment here. If you ask me, there are many more things that should be done.”

“Why wasn’t I in favor until now? At the weekend he released a message with 500% more concreteness than he has said so far about the actions he did commit. He says: ‘responsibility’, ‘I am not the victim’, ‘I was wrong’, ‘I made a mistake’ and ‘I’m sorry’. Until now everything was from Lorler.”

“I’m addressing Omer Azili personally: I too have made mistakes, everyone does, but you cannot be under the umbrella of ‘it’s over legally. You are a public figure, not just a football player. Come and tell the truth in front of the camera. Be exposed. The how is also important But I’m a fan, and I’m a fan of Yankel’a Shahar and of the Maccabi Haifa club, and the boss has proven that he’s up to it and there’s nothing more I can do.”

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