Azithromycin has lost effectiveness due to overuse of antibiotics

by time news

2023-12-12 20:00:38

The Azithromycin remains within the antibiotics best-selling in the world, although recently its sales have decreased. effectiveness. Despite its good results, the indiscriminate use of the drug has caused it to no longer offer the same results as in the past. The situation is serious and is repeated with other formulas created for other infections.

What is Azithromycin and when was it created?

The Azithromycin it’s a antibiotic broad spectrum of the macrolide group. It is used to treat certain bacterial infections such as bronchitis, pneumonia, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and infections of the ears, lungs, sinuses, skin, throat, and reproductive organs.

The formula was created by a team of researchers from the pharmaceutical company She swims in 1980. In 1986 it acquired the license Pfizer and since then he has been one of the best-selling antibiotics in the world.

Why have antibiotics like Azithromycin lost effectiveness?

According to a report from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) A systematic review was carried out on the Azithromycin. Although the main clarification is that the problem is not the drug itself but the bacteria for which it was created.

In that sense, the medicine has such good results that during the last decades it has been one of the most used globally. At that point, it is worth clarifying that when used with the endorsement of a health professional there are no problems.

The inconvenience arises when people use it on their own initiative and in cases where it is not necessary. In fact, antibiotics should never be used in diseases caused by viruses because they do not work.

Pandemic increased incorrect use of antibiotics

Although the problem already existed, since the Covid-19 pandemic it became more evident. According to what was published by The countryIn Spain alone, the use of this drug in Spanish hospitals multiplied by 2.5. Everything was generated by the false belief that the Azithromycin It worked for the treatment of coronaviruses.

From the above, the phenomenon known as drug resistance. It is described as reducing the effectiveness of drugs such as antimicrobials for the treatment of diseases. The reason is because pathogens tend to “evolve” and become more resistant.

This situation not only occurs with the consumption of drugs in humans but also when they are offered to breeding animals so that they grow faster. In the end a vicious circle is formed that affects everyone.

For all of the above and to combat the loss of effectivenessfor more than a decade in Mexico it has been mandatory to present a medical prescription in pharmacies to purchase antibiotics as the Azithromycin.

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#Azithromycin #lost #effectiveness #due #overuse #antibiotics

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