Aλέξης Γεωργούλης: Διαψεύδει κατηγορίες βιασμού και σωματικής βλάβης – Αντίκτυπος στις ευρωεκλογές

by time news

What Alexis Georgoulis had stated regarding the allegations against him for rape on the show “To Proino” of ANT1 before the European elections

The former MEP Alexis Georgoulis denied published reports that criminal charges were filed against him by the Brussels prosecutor’s office for bodily harm and rape.

Alexis Georgoulis: “I was shattered when I learned about it; it was a bolt from the blue.”

In his statement, he details:

“With great surprise, I learned that an article was published yesterday on the Efsyn.gr website, signed by Christina Kopsini, which falsely and slanderously stated that criminal charges have been filed against me by the Brussels Prosecutor’s Office for the crimes of rape and dangerous bodily harm and that a hearing date for my case was even set for June 27, 2024, during which I allegedly requested a postponement of my criminal trial.

Alexis Georgoulis: The first interview after the allegations

This information was completely false and following communication from my attorney, Stamatia Malla, with the editor and signatory, it was partially retracted, yet it still continued to state falsehoods, even claiming that I allegedly had prior knowledge of the Brussels Prosecutor’s Office’s recommendation for criminal charges before the European elections, something which I concealed to deceive the electorate.

Because this false news has been reproduced by almost all news websites and to restore the truth, as my personality, honor, and reputation are being publicly undermined once again, I declare that at this moment no criminal charges have been filed against me by the authorities and I do not bear the status of the accused for any offense, and I urge you to respect the truth and the presumption of innocence, as the reproduction of inaccurate news has irreparable consequences for my personality. The fact that the above-mentioned editor, despite being informed in detail and being able to easily and promptly verify the credibility of my claims, did not do so and limited herself to a partial retraction as described above, is a strong indication that the purpose of the publication may not have been the objective information of the public.

With respect
Alexis Georgoulis”

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