BA.2.2 strain, strong Hong Kong lethal force invaded ASEAN, but Thailand has not yet found

by time news

After having research results from abroad on the pathogens of COVID-19 Omicron species (B.1.1.529) with additional subspecies found, mainly BA.1 and BA.2. Recently, more subspecies have been found. That may cause the patient to die more as well.

The number of Covid patients and deaths is not reducing.

On March 13, the Center for Situation Administration for the Epidemic of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) or CCC published information that Thailand found 23,584 new cases, 23,417 in the country, 100 from prisons, 67 from abroad, 22,233 more recovered, 227,336 are in treatment, 1,319 in severe condition, 438 intubated. The number of deaths increased by 66, of which 40 were males, 26 females. Of the total deaths, patients were 60 years of age and 97% of all had chronic diseases, divided into 55 people aged 60 years and over, accounting for 55 percent. 83 and under 60 years of age, but with 9 chronic diseases (14%), with risk factors for cancer (2) kidney disease (16), obesity (2) cerebrovascular disease (7), heart disease (17), bedridden (5). ) while Bangkok has patients The highest number of deaths was 14 people, followed by Nakhon Si Thammarat 6 people and Krabi 3 people. As for the total number of people who received additional vaccinations on March 12, 2022, 224,331 doses, including cumulative vaccinations since February 28, 2021, the number 126,087,224 doses

Bangkok-Mueang Khon-Chon still worried

For the 10 provinces with the highest infections on March 13, 2022, found in Bangkok 2,967 people, Nakhon Si Thammarat 1,438 people, Chonburi 1,191 people, Samut Prakan 890 people, Nonthaburi 868 people, Samut Sakhon 809 people, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 768 people, Pathum Thani 600 people, Nakhon Ratchasima 556 people, Nakhon Pathom 503. The total number of confirmed cases since 2020 is 3,184,825, the cumulative total recovered since 2020 is 2,933,780, and the cumulative number of deaths since 2020 is 23,709. Thailand has accumulated infections in the last 7 days. It was ranked 17th in the world.

BA.2.2 outbreak in Hong Kong-England

On the same day, Prof. Kiatkun, Dr. Wasan Chantrathit, Head of the Medical Genome Center The Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, posted information on the Center for Medical Genomics Facebook page that the latest wave of the Omikron pandemic on Hong Kong Island. This may cause the emergence of a new strain “BA.2.2” or B.1.1.529.2. with a predominant mutation on the spikes The amino acid position 1221 was changed from I (Isoleucine) to T (Threonine) or S:I1221T and the mutation in the “ORf1a: T4087I” gene with the submission of the BA genome genetic code. 2.2 Randomly tested in Hong Kong based on the global coronavirus database “GISAID”, approximately 386 samples and approximately 236 cases were randomly detected in the UK, for example. This new wave of outbreaks has led to the death rate from COVID-19. In Hong Kong, it rose to a record high in the world. The average number of deaths in a seven-day period is 30 per 1 million inhabitants, while Thailand is at 0.85 per 1 million inhabitants, mostly the elderly and those who have not been vaccinated. Therefore, those who have not been vaccinated should hurry to vaccinate.

More deaths are expected in Hong Kong

Prof. Dr. Wasan said the concern was the sharp increase in the number of omikron cases in Hong Kong, averaging 5,425 per million inhabitants in seven days, compared to second place. Latvia The number of new cases is similar at 5,278 per 1 million inhabitants, Thailand is 315 per 1 million inhabitants, but the death rate from COVID-19 is similar. On Hong Kong, Hong Kong was extremely high with an average seven-day death rate of 30 per million inhabitants, while both Latvia and Thailand were at 10.7 and 0.7, respectively. Hong Kong had higher death rates. In Latvia, both Latvia and Thailand have outbreaks of BA.1 and BA.2 strains, and BA.2.2 is not found, leading to a tendency that BA.2.2 mutants may be a factor. leading to the death rate from COVID-19 In Hong Kong, it rose to the highest record in the world.

The epidemic has increased more than all species.

Prof. Emeritus Dr. Wasan also stated that the latest calculations show that BA.2.2 outbreaks are about 35% more than all strains and found that in England, the number of patients admitted to hospitals has increased in line with BA.2.2 Epidemic Scientists in Hong Kong and around the world are now processing the entire genome of BA.2.2 genetic code with clinical data to address six key problems: 1.BA.2.2 has more mutations than BA. 2 Whether or not and where, in particular, the gene portion that controls the structure of the spike in the viral particle shell? It is initially known that BA.2.2 has two mutations that are not found in the parent strain and other subspecies, “S:I1221T” and “ORf1a: T4087I”. 2.BA.2.2 spreads more rapidly than BA. 2 or not

Waiting to study resistance to vaccines/drugs

3.BA.2.2 aggravates the symptoms of COVID-19 more severely than BA.2 or other strains of concern? 4.BA.2.2 Can the vaccine be any less effective than BA.2? Treatment of the latest monoclonal antibody, Sotrovimab, used against omikron. Can still be caught with BA.2.2 or not? To prevent the virus from entering the cells of the respiratory system and 6. Is it BA.2.2 that is one of the factors that contribute to the death rate from COVID-19? In Hong Kong, the highest in the world

Fortunately, Thailand hasn’t found BA.2.2 yet.

Prof. Kiatkun Dr. Wasan said that experts who tracked BA.2.2 cases in Hong Kong found that part of the infection was among the elderly who had not been properly vaccinated. compared to other countries The rise in BA 2.2 in the UK may be due to the inherent immunity to BA.1 infection being unable to protect against BA.2.2 infection. BA.2.2 has not been found in Thailand yet, but randomized. The whole genome decoding of the genome in ASEAN was found in Singapore, 11 cases, Indonesia 4 cases, Brunei 2 cases and Cambodia 1 case. But to avoid negligence, the Medical Genome Center has begun to develop the BA.2.2 test kit, which is expected to be completed. BA.2.2 screening can be released in 2 weeks thanks to “MassArray Genotyping” technology, which takes time to recognize all strains of concern, including BA.2.2, in a single test. It takes about 24-48 hours to produce results.

Waiting for NEPO to deliver UCEP Plus criteria

As for the treatment of infected people after the middle of this month, Dr. Jadet Thammathatchaari, secretary-general of the National Health Security Office (NHSO) gave an interview about the transition from the UCEP Covid-19 service system to UCEP Plus at It will come into effect on March 16 that the meaning of UCEP Plus is an emergency patient. In the case of covids, there will be yellow and red groups, as well as green groups that have more symptoms. To be able to receive services in private informal service units, therefore, the Department of Health Service Support (SorPorPor.Sor.) and the Institute of Emergency Medicine (KorPorPhor.) must issue a rule that the said group of covid patients who are an emergency group What are the symptoms? in which the red group we have already had the same rules But what is not yet clear is the yellow group. The responsible agency is NEPO must issue rules In order not to confuse the informal private sector as to which characteristics can be accepted into UCEP Plus if methods have not yet been established. The solution is that informal private service agencies have to use their discretion and agree with various funds, such as social security or NHSO. But the fund is not the one who rules out itself, so we have to wait for the NEDA to issue the yellow criteria. But as seen from the preliminary documents The yellow condition is not as critical as the red one. Simple principles, such as going into the lungs, have pneumonia. or a group of 608 patients with comorbid diseases which has to wait NEDA issued yellow and red rules because here it is not like other UCEP diseases that only receive red.

NHSO discusses private sector accepting green patients

Dr. Jadet also said that As for the green group, after March 16, who will have UCEP Plus, if there are no symptoms or less symptoms, they will go to the informal private service unit. want to be treated like in the past, can’t do it anymore because it is not an emergency But if you want to enter, you have to pay yourself. However, NHSO is discussing with informal private service agencies. to take care of emergency patients in the green group who are not in UCEP, such as a high fever of 38 degrees or more, coughing, starting to feel breathless Symptoms that do not reach yellow can use the service in the service unit outside the gold card system which we are now going to agree on

People in the city do not know that they have gold patents.

Dr. Jadet talks about caring for those infected with COVID-19 General green group with few symptoms, especially Bangkok Metropolis with an increase in the number of infected people But some people do not know themselves are entitled to health insurance. or that gold card This is a weakness of the people of Bangkok. that more than 50 percent do not know that they have gold patents in the first place Patients can be treated in the system in the system anywhere, so if found infected but do not know that they have a gold patent. or any rights? You can contact the hotline 1330 or the NHSO website, but if we don’t know anything. It is recommended that you travel to the nearest public health facility that will be in the system. NHSO already exists, such as a public health service center hospitals under various affiliations to the warm community clinic to have a sign in front of the shop to be noticeable Social Security will have Some private hospitals are in the system as well.

Risk group 608 call 1330 ext. 18

Dr. Jadet also said that As for the green group who contacted the hotline 1330, we did not decide whether to enter the “find out” system or the home treatment system (HI), except in the case of high-risk groups 608, children or people with co-morbidities. We will ask to be treated in the hospital. Therefore, 1330 opens a hotline in this group, which is 1330 ext. 18. There will be staff to take care of it immediately. because in the past called only one number We cannot distinguish who is at risk. So we opened this system up. Therefore, I would like to inform you that Those who are not in the high-risk group, call the number 1330 without having to connect the line. 18

Organize the mailing system for medicines

Dr. Jadet also said that the HI system must continue to meet the requirements of the Department of Medical Services. We have a policy to meet and give away. There will be a doctor to call you back in 48 hours, so 1330 will advise people to use another service. therefore requesting cooperation from various service units Take care of the patients in this section. The problematic part of doing HI is that the service unit hasn’t answered the call from 1330 that has already received a call. therefore asked for cooperation with the service unit in this matter, but knew that the BMA was trying to encourage the service system The number of the district has been opened for people to call. However, in order to prevent people from waiting to be contacted back or waiting to receive from the service unit, the NHSO has arranged a system for the call center to contact you back within 24 hours. Please send the medicine box in the mail first. It was found that 30 percent had agreed. Another 50 percent found that while waiting for people to contact the treatment facility, therefore, the service center had to be quick to avoid waiting in line for patients. because we do not know the part that has been treated However, if the service unit can’t get the patient into HI in time, it can organize the system, find it and distribute it to the end so that the people can receive basic services in time. Do not let the patient queue accumulate too much. This round of outbreak found infected people waiting to be contacted back by the service. mild symptoms does not change to yellow

Injecting a needle to help reduce mortality

at the Central Chiang Mai Airport vaccination service unit Mueang Chiang Mai There are people of different ages. Get vaccinated against COVID-19 Most of them are 3rd pin boosters that are available in both Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca. by the Chiang Mai Provincial Public Health Office, open for service at a maximum of 3,000 people per day, Dr. Suwat Jariyalertsak Dean of Public Health Chiang Mai University Discuss a study on the effectiveness of vaccines in the prevention of infection and death of COVID-19 patients. in the area of ​​Chiang Mai that The results of the study show that the 3rd dose of COVID-19 vaccination is necessary because once the 2nd dose of vaccination has passed, the immune system will gradually decrease. When getting infected, the chances of being infected are very high. and the 3rd dose of vaccine will help boost immunity again The study found that about 20 percent of the 100 COVID-19 patients in Chiang Mai who did not receive the 3rd dose vaccine will die, but not a single death has been found among those who have received the 3rd dose. Therefore, the 3rd dose booster is important for the elderly and people with underlying diseases. in the youth group The chance of dying from infection with omikron strains is low. But there is a high chance of infection

I believe that injecting a lot of three needles can control the disease.

Dr. Suwat said that there are research results around the world confirming that the 1st and 2nd vaccinations do not help prevent infection, but the 3rd needle helps prevent 40 to 60 percent of the research in Chiang Mai. found Prevents 50-60% if 3 injections are complete, it is considered that the chance of infection is only half. but no chance of death Currently, about 40 percent of the total population has been vaccinated with the third dose of vaccine in Thailand. If the injection rate can be increased by about 70 percent like in European countries will help reduce the mortality rate down And the spread of infection has been reduced by almost half. Therefore, the third dose of vaccine should be obtained as soon as possible. And if in May-June, more than 70 percent of people in Thailand received the third dose of vaccine, it would help control the situation of COVID-19. can be better in July Patients with less severe symptoms The chances of using a red bed or the ICU are less. fewer deaths compared to today will cause the Omicron species to begin to disappear

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