Babies Born With Syphilis: 900% Increase In Newborns In Mississippi

by time news

The number of babies being treated for syphilis in Mississippi ha increased about 900% in five years. During 2016 there was only a record of 10 cases of congenital syphilis; however, by 2021 the number increased to 102. However, experts point out that this public health crisis may be avoidable.

Dr. Thomas Dobbs, medical director of the Crossroads Clinic at the State Department of Health in Mississippi in Jackson, notes that there is an alert for the number of cases of infected babies.

“That seems like something that should have happened a hundred years ago, not last year.”. And although they are not formally tracked deathsif you know that at least one newborn died in 2021.

What is congenital syphilis

The syphilis es caused by a bacterium scientifically known as Treponema pale. When you are in contact with body of a babymay cause serious damage to your health.

The congenital syphilis is passed from mother to baby when it is infected. In some cases, babies are infected before deliverywell the bacteria manages to penetrate the placenta. If he baby born with syphilis it is known as Congenital syphilispoints out the Manual Merck.

Is disease can cause a wide range of health problems in the newbornincluding physical deformities, intellectual disability, blindness y hearing problems. It is important detect and treat syphilis in pregnant women for prevent transmission to their children.

Syphilis in babies: symptoms

Babies born with syphilis: 900% increase in newborns in Mississippi. Photo: iStock

Is disease occurs during the first 3 months of life. Los symptoms of congenital syphilis they can vary and may not be apparent at birth.

In the palms of hands or soles of feet appear blisters or rashes flat copper colored Near the nose and mouth vesicles may appear large, as well as cracks or excess mucus, put a blood.

The Congenital syphilis can affect the growth of newborns and cause the lymph nodes, spleen, and liver are enlarged.

Only in some cases can there be eye or brain swellingas well as intellectual disability o seizures.

It is important that you drink be examined for detect congenital syphilis soon after birth and receive treatment if necessary, even if they do not present symptoms. He early treatment can prevent serious complications of the infection.

Syphilis in babies, is it curable?

When a baby with congenital syphilis is treated in a timely manner, if the disease can be cured disease. For that, the newborn must be treated and cured with antibiotics appropriate.

He treatment depends on the baby age and the severity of infectionand is usually administered by a doctor who specializes in the treatment of infectious diseases in children.

He early treatment is important for prevent serious complications of congenital syphilissuch as development problems, vision and hearing problemsy brain damage. After treatment, the baby You will need medical follow-up to make sure the infection has been completely eradicated and has not developed long-term complications. It is important that any pregnant woman with syphilis is treated before the baby is born to prevent transmission of the infection to the fetus.

How long does a baby with syphilis live?

Babies born with syphilis: 900% increase in newborns in Mississippi. Photo: iStock

about half of babies infected with syphilis in the womb die before birth or shortly after birth, indicates the National Library of Medicine.

The resurgence of this diseaseemphasizes the great gap of social disparity that exists in the United States, since Mississippi is considered the poorest state in the usa., place where you live black people.

Unfortunately in this place, many medical spaces do not have an obstetrician, so the women they must travel to other sites to receive care. By receiving treatment late, the cases worsen. If prompt attention was given, the increase in cases of syphilis in newborns.

And at madre receive a series of penicillin injections at least a month before the baby is born baby, there is a greater chance that it will not be affected. When the pregnant does not receive treatmenthe baby you will have to be hospitalized for at least 15 days so that you can be administer penicillin intravenously.

Dr. Anita Henderson, a pediatrician, comments: “I don’t think many people know that there is a possibility that babies die of congenital syphilis.”

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Although the syphilis is a disease that can endanger the health of adults and newly bornis a disease that can be prevented. It is important not to take lightly the sexual health to prevent this and other conditions that put at risk not only the health of the madrebut that of baby.

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