Baccalaureate 2023: 44.49% success rate in the Boucle du Mouhoun | BIA

by time news

2023-07-08 18:34:00

Burkina-Boucle du Mouhoun-Baccalaureate-Results

Baccalaureate 2023: 44.49% success rate in the Boucle du Mouhoun

Dédougou, July 08 (AIB)The Boucle du Mouhoun region recorded an overall success rate of 44.49%, including 44.20% for girls and 44.75% for boys, a gain of 2.69 points compared to the 2022 session.

The various juries of the 2023 Baccalaureate session in the Boucle du Mouhoun announced on Wednesday July 05, 2023 for some and Thursday July 06, 2023 for others, the various results of the second round.

At the end, the Boucle du Mouhoun region recorded an overall success rate of 44.49%, including 44.20% for girls and 44.75% for boys, a gain of 2.69 points compared to the session. of 2022.

Out of a number of 9,783 candidates presented for the Baccalaureate exam session of 2023 in the Boucle du Mouhoun, 9,516 were able to take part in the tests. This brings out 267 absent candidates made up of 75 girls and 192 boys.

In the first round of the exam, the region recorded 2,984 admitted including 1,327 girls and 1,657 boys, a success rate of 31.26%. At the end of the second round tests, the region has a total of 4,234 admitted including 1,986 girls and 2,248 boys, a success rate of 44.49%.

When analyzing the results by province, that of Mouhoun comes first with 1,798 admitted including 885 girls and 913 boys, a success rate of 45.90%. It is followed by that of Sourou with a rate of 45.05%.

The third place is occupied by the province of Balé which records a rate of 44.60%. The Nayala ranks fourth with a rate of 42.06% and the Kossi which recorded a rate of 40.79% ranks fifth.

The Regional Director in charge of post-primary and secondary education in the Boucle du Mouhoun Dr Denis Vimboué

The security crisis in the Boucle du Mouhoun region is behind the drop in the number of candidates for the various school exams for the 2023 session. region, five housed examination centres.

The specific case of the Banwa province is linked to the long period of cessation of classes in this province. Some students, with the help of their parents and the active forces of their locality, have developed initiatives to reach more secure areas in order to continue their lessons while presenting candidates for the various exams in their new locality.

This has led to a drop in the number of candidates for the various exams in this province. After the liberation of the province of Banwa by our fighting forces, some establishments experienced a resumption of classes but the registration period for the various examinations, especially secondary school, had expired.

With regard to the province of Banwa, only the Lycée Privé Dominique Syano Konaté presented its candidates numbering 13 for the A4 series and 32 for the D series, for a total of 45 candidates presented.

In the final result, the A4 series recorded a rate of 33.33% and the D, 25.58%, which gives a total success rate of 25.58% for this establishment in the Banwa Province.

In the opinion of the Regional Director in charge of post-primary and secondary education in the Boucle du Mouhoun, Mr. Denis Vimboué, the success of the Baccalaureate exam in the region is the symbol of the resilience of all the actors. He took the opportunity to express his gratitude to all the players, which shows that everyone attaches importance to education.

“With the commitment of all: administrative authorities, Defense and Security Forces, examiners, candidates, in short, all the actors, I am overwhelmed by the courage of each and every one, which has enabled the effective holding of the examinations in the region. I extend my gratitude and my congratulations to all for this resilience,” he concluded.

Burkina Information Agency


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