Back to class in January? The optimism of Minister Bianchi clashes with the increasing infections, the absence of updated data and the buffer chaos

by time news

I Covid responsible of schools all over Italy have not done a single day of vacation. From the 23rd to the present, their phones ring in continuation: from the Valle d’Aosta at the Sicily the cases of positive students and teachers have multiplied in a few days but the official data are not there. It does not have them Ministry of Education, that of the Health does not have them and neither does the structure commissioner. Know how many there are, at national level, as of December 28th, i children, i lads they teachers who have turned to health facilities to do a molecular buffer and they are positive it is impossible also because there are many families, while holding a test autosomministrato positivehave not been able to make a molecular for days.

In the chaos of numbers, the optimism of Minister Bianchi – A chaos that has put i parents e i principals who cannot foresee a peaceful return to school. The only one to show serenity is the Minister of Education Patrizio Bianchi which continues to speak of 0.5% of infected students and 2.4% of cases in forty, referring to mid-December data. But that’s not enough. Today from his Emilia Romagna, during the inauguration of the new “Cervi” museum in Gattatico, he added: “The tracking of contagions is not in trouble “. Words that angered the former minister Lucia Azzolina that in the afternoon, guest of the show “Go back“On La7 he replied:” I do not agree with Bianchi. The trouble there is and is serious, as confirmed by the school leaders. Unfortunately it must be said that in the last year little has been done to enhance the ability to trace ”.

The professor from Ferrara is the only optimist: “In the Government meeting of December 23 last, we have decided to give much more resources to the general Figliuolo, which with all the Ausl of the regions of Italy is organizing for tracing. They have been allocated an additional nine million and between 4.5 and 5 million more for masks. Now it depends on him, he is in a position to do it “. Once again everything seems to be in the hands of Figliuolo who a confirmed to be present to date (as until a few days ago) only in six regions that have requested his intervention to enhance tracking, namely Emilia Romagna, Liguria, Lombardy, Piedmont, Sicily e Veneto.

Regions complain of lack of help – The general himself admitted he did about 400 swabs in schools that in all of Italy there are eight thousand (40,581 plexuses): “An intervention – Azzolina criticizes – which certainly cannot be considered decisive”. In addition, as reported by the commissioner for education Luciano Caveri, there could be there Valle d’Aosta who has requested (but has not yet obtained) the intervention of the military to support screening between the banks. On the question of tracking, the former minister was spared: “The promised intervention of the army did not produce the desired effects. Now it is said that “every region will develop a new device ”for the tracking. Bad news. We are asking the same Regions that have been struggling for a year and a half invent overnight a new plan for one screening from pulp over millions of students. In a few days. Not just an attribution of responsibility to the Presidents of the Region. While the country lacks the tampons and the staff to make them “.

The only data available are old and say little – Another game, that of the numbers: on those given by Bianchi, a reasoning. The minister cites already old data, the result of a monitoring made by the offices in viale Trastevere which must be compared with the graphs of theHigher Institute of Health and the Ministry of Health which – to – ​​informs that it does not have a number relating to the category of teachers. Result? It is not possible to know how many teachers and professors are positive nationally. The only official source is that of the ISS which reports a update done on 21 December with the incidence by age group per 100 thousand inhabitants. Comparing the weeks from 6 to 12 December and from 13 to 19 shows a sharp increase in all the brackets, especially among the youngest: from 0 to 9 years it goes from about 350 to 400 while from 10-19 years from just over 300 to over 400. peak which does not take into account the last few days, where many families have not yet entered the system national survey because they can’t make a molecular swab.

Parents’ experiences told to – The experiences told by the parents are the plastic demonstration of the chaos of recent days. “I have two children, 12 and 17, both of whom are contacts of a positive at the Christmas lunch – says Emilio Bertoncini – The ASl has not activated any forty. They are in spontaneous fiduciary isolation but reserve a swab on the Tuscan public system, despite the prescription medica, it is impossible. At midnight the slots open for the next day and the whole Tuscany try to find a tampon on, but the possibility of success is remote ”. Same situation in Lombardy: “At eight in the evening of December 24th – says Michela – we have received news of eight positives in class with my daughter. We are still in quarantine in the absence of molecular because they cannot be found. If the situation is this or it gets worse, my daughter will not send her to school in January. They also marked it as absence“. The music does not change for a mother who has her son at school in the province of Cremona: “He had contact with a classmate who tested positive on December 20. On Friday 24th an e-mail was sent from coordinator of class with which they informed of the illness of the partner assuming that the boys, the Christmas Eve, look at the school mailbox. On December 26, the convocation to swab forty kilometers from home on December 30th. Meanwhile my son is in forty? Nobody has specified it to us ”.

Positive student numbers provided by the Regions – In light of this situation, any data could be at fault. Also Giannelli, number one of the National Association of Principals explains: “We do not have the overall figure of quarantined classes. There is no national statistical system dedicated to the collection of cases “. Difficult to get them even from the Regions or from the regional school offices which, for now, have not done anything monitoring. asked the regional departments of Education and / or Health of Valle d’Aosta, Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Lazio, Campania, Puglia, Sicily and Sardinia, but the only ones to have provided last-minute data are Valle d’Aosta, the Campania and Piedmont. In the first region, the commissioner Caveri has made it known that in the last six days they have been quarantined 60 classi out of 1008 or 5.9%: “A figure – he explains – in increase. Upon returning we would like to make one screening to all students but we will have to deal with the number of military health that they will send us. There should be four from the commissioner structure plus some local Alpine troops “.

In Campania, the commissioner Lucia Forts was able to give today’s data: 2,019 positives among children from 0 to 5 years; 3,932 from 6 to 10 years; 2,193 between 11 and 13 years. In Piedmont, the comparison between the week from 13 to 19 December and from 20 to 26 leaves no room for comments: the primary has gone from 785.5 cases per 100 thousand to 1.0333.6; at the averages from 550 to 705.3 and at the high schools from 392.4 to 705.7. THE outbreaks they went from 172 to 255 and the quarantined classes from 817 to 1,035. The attention of the Piemonte region and the commissioner Elena Chiorino it’s all about vaccinations of primary school children: so far out of 246 thousand students have participated in the campaign in 41 thousand (17%): “Our goal is to administer the first dose to all those who have joined in view of the restart of the school after the Christmas holidays “. Sicily and Liguria have them but on 20 December. In the Region of Giovanni All there were 463 quarantined classes out of a total of 8,146. In Sicily 3,429 positive students out of 700 thousand (0.48%). “In our Region – explains the commissioner Roberto Lagalla – we will continue to track those who are positive and to give possibility to the mayors to close schools where there are peaks but be careful because we are continuing to put in forty positive asymptomatic. We can’t go on like this “.

In view of the return in January, the Undersecretary for Education Barbara Floridia supports at all costs the return to the stalls in the presence and asks those in duty to ensure the necessary tracking. But the war has also opened on the front of Ffp2 bezels. Giannelli asks them free for all students, numerous principals from all over Italy want them throughout the personal. She sided with them Lucia Azzolina that always in front of the cameras of Go back he said: “It takes two things. The Ffp2 throughout the personal and the obligation of the distance meter ”insured in his time from Coordinated scientific technical committee gives Agostino Miozzo and made non-mandatory by Bianchi and by the Cts di Franco Locatelli. A rejected request to the sender. Sources close to Bianchi they let it be known that “it is not sustainable” to give Ffp2 to everyone – they point out from the offices of viale Trastevere – that not even Lucia Azzolina had taken them in consideration for students and teachers. Unique certainty: with the opening of the school will be delivered only to masters of childhood where children are not obliged to wear it and ai teachers of the classes where there are students exempt from the mask. At least for now.

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