Back to school: a book tells the funniest excuses from parents

by time news



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Patrice Romain, retired teacher and school principal, carefully kept the parents’ pearls to transcribe them into a book. Their bad faith in defending their children is as amusing as it is fascinating. Journalist Jihane Benzina was on the set of 13 Heures to present this book to us.

The return to school also means the return of late words from parents to excuse their children. From these justifications, sometimes eccentric, Patrice Romain, a retiree who worked as a school teacher then school principal, made a book: Words of apology published by Cherche Midi. Journalist Jihane Benzina wanted to present it on the set of 13 Hours. “One of my favorites is downright epic: my son didn’t come to school yesterday, first because he was looking for our hamster who had run away from his cage last night, then because of grief when we found out that our cat had killed him. With all my apologies, but he was in pain”she laughs.

Some assume their “acute phlegm” or their preference for other areas. “Sir, World Cup or college, my son has chosen. Please excuse him for the past two weeks.“The bad faith of the parents is mocked there. “My son failed his last history test because he was bothered by the sun”can we read in this book. “The ones I prefer are those written with terrible bad faith. When a mother wants to defend her little one, she will show extraordinary imagination. It’s all the love parents have for their child and I find it’s very endearing”reacts the author, who is already in his third collection.

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