BACK TO SCHOOL | Aid of 400 euros for students: last days to request it

by time news

2023-08-29 09:35:00

He Ministry of Education has the scholarships for the next school year that is about to start and that come with important news for students who want to apply. It is a set of financial aid which are designed to improve the quality of life of students and their families, as well as to promote equal opportunities and social inclusion.

Among these aids is a new aid of 400 euros for students with specific educational support needs. This aid is intended for those students who need financial aid to cover additional expenses of a general nature associated with schooling and who meet the requirements established by the Ministry.

Scholarships and grants for students with a specific need for educational support

To apply for this help you do not need to meet any family income requirementalthough other conditions must be met. This aid is aimed at students 2 years of age or older who are enrolled at a non-university educational level, that is, those who are enrolled in the Second Cycle of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO), Baccalaureate, Basic Grade Training Cycles, Medium and Superior or Vocational Training (FP).

In addition, applicants must meet one of the following characteristics:

Students with a specific need for educational support derived from disability (at least 33%) or severe conduct disorder.

students with severe communication and language disorder associated with special educational needs.

Students with a specific need for educational support associated with autism spectrum disorder (TEA).

Students with a specific need for educational support associated with high intellectual capacity.

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It is important to note that this aid is compatible with other aids or scholarships that the student can receive.

In addition to this new aid, the Ministry of Education offers other aid that can also be very interesting for students and their families:

Teaching aid: up to 862 euros.

help or subsidy School bus: up to 617 euros.

Aid or school dining allowance: up to 574 euros.

School residence aid: up to 1,795 euros.

Aid for weekend transport: up to 442 euros.

Aid for urban transport: up to 308 euros.

Aid for school supplies: up to 105 euros for the levels of Primary Education, ESO and Basic Training Cycles. It will be up to 204 euros for the rest.

Aid for pedagogical re-education: up to 913 euros.

Aid for language reeducation: up to 913 euros.

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