Back to the South, Tianshan Difficult to Dry Japanese program teaches 4 ways to deal with wet weather- METRODAILY

by time news

Stepping into the spring, you have to face the annoying return to the south. It is not a problem that the walls of the house are moldy, and it is difficult to dry the clothes indoors, and there will be a smell. In the past, the Japanese TV program “ZIP!” brought in the washing expert “Laundry Brothers (洗洗ブラザーズ)” to demonstrate the N correct methods of drying clothes indoors, and solve the troubles of drying clothes due to humidity. If you Also encounter the same problem, might as well learn it!

Experts say that the smelly clothes are caused by the growth of Moraxella bacterium, which can multiply in high temperature and high humidity, feed on human sebum and dirt, and attach to clothing fibers, causing clothes to emit odors. To solve the problem of non-drying clothes and peculiar smell, you can participate in the following practices.

1. Use thick or bent hangers

Experts advise to use thick hangers, or bend the hangers to allow the T-shirts to ventilate. If possible, you can also place plastic bottles at both ends of the hangers to open the cuffs of the T-shirts.

2. Clothes should be dried in the bathroom

I believe everyone will think that drying clothes by the window can make clothes dry faster, or some people will place clothes racks in the living room and bedroom, but in fact the most suitable place for clothes drying is the bathroom. Because the bathroom is mildew-proof, it is easier to control the humidity in a small space. Therefore, when drying clothes, close the window of the bathroom, and then turn on the exhaust fan or dehumidifier, etc., to dry clothes quickly.

Back to the South

3. Arrange the clothes in a trapezoidal manner by length

The clothes should be arranged according to the length, with the longer ones on both sides and the shorter ones in the middle, thus forming an arch. This allows air to pass through the center, creating an updraft that speeds up drying.

Back to the South

4. Rinse rain-soaked clothing as soon as possible

In order to prevent the growth of Moraxella, clothes that have been soaked by rain should be washed in the washing machine as soon as possible. If you can’t wash it immediately, remember not to put it in the same laundry basket with other clothes, so as to avoid the smell of other clothes. In addition, the clothes should be turned inside out before being put into the washing machine to wash away the sebum dirt.

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