Back trouble? Tips for dealing with post-holiday routines

by time news

2024-09-03 04:58:24

03 September 2024 | 06.58

READ: 2 minutes

Returning from vacations generates stress that affects approximately 35% of the population, according to Istat datawith a greater incidence between 25 and 45 years old and those who do jobs with high intellectual content. To overcome the so-called return syndrome, or ‘back-to-work blues’, and prepare to launch the new work year with enthusiasm and the will to do, Stefania Cupperi, a psychologist who collaborates with Elty of DaVinci Salute has 5 simple tips. behaviors to resume its normal rhythms.

First thing’s first,”Allow yourself a period of adaptation“: it is not necessary to return immediately to the daily misery. Try to plan your return in such a way as to have a day or two to regroup, early start the rhythms – a note reports – Producing a few more rest periods The communication so that you can allow your body and mind to be able to work rhythms again, which are different from the holidays, and organize work intelligently without immediately burdening yourself with too many commitments can help to stop the feeling of exhaustion by the amount of work accumulated.

As a second step”maintain a healthy lifestyle“: integrate into your work some elements that make you feel good during your vacations, such as an evening meal, reading a good book or preparing a special dish. Small gestures can help maintain the connection with the idea of your health that you experience on vacations. Exercising, saying goodbye to a sedentary lifestyle and taking care of our sleep by embracing regular sleep noise.

In third place”cultivate relationships“: staying in touch with the people we met on vacation and reuniting with those we left behind in the city. Being in the company of friends and loved ones – we read – can help overcome the stress of returning as well as to be grateful by focusing on the positive aspects of daily life and the holidays you have just spent can help reduce stress, improving your mood So “take care of yourself” through activities such as yoga, meditation or even exercising A little time on the hobby can help. A big difference. Furthermore, being patient with yourself is important, especially in the first few days when you are a little out of shape, without judging them and without expecting too much from each other. overcome this phase in peace.

In the end “make use of psychological support“if the symptoms of anxiety and depression upon returning from the summer holidays do not allow us to live in peace. bring into daily life what makes us happy.”

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