“Bad bad”, this is how France told those who criticize her for riding in a helicopter

by time news

In view of the comments that he has been subjected to for traveling by helicopter, the Vice President of ColombiaFrancia Márquez, stood up to her critics.

The leader stated that “Too bad, I’m the vice president”in a publication of the weekly magazinein which he made reference to the controversy that his air travel has generated.

In the interview he emphasized that will not stop using this type of aircraft to safeguard your safety.

As will be remembered, Mrs. Márquez has been criticized for moving between the township of Dapa in Yumbo where his residence is and his office in Bogotá in a helicopter.

The residents of the sector where he lives have expressed their disagreement with the sound of the aircraft.

For security

The Vice President recalled that air travel does it for safety and criticized the racism that persists in the country.

In this sense, he said that “if she was white and elite, they wouldn’t be making a scandal because it’s normal. It is normal for an elite person, who was born in a golden cradle, to be transported in these equipments and aircrafts, but it is not normal for a woman who worked in a family home and who is now the Vice President of Colombia be transported in it. Well, bad, and I’m sorry ”.

In the interview he also said that “over the weekend I went up in a helicopter and today I came and left in a helicopter, and I will follow the times that I will go by helicopter”.

She added that “I am the vice president of this country, the same 11 million who elected the president elected me, and for being a woman who today is occupying the second most important position of this country because I deserve that the State as a whole take care of me”.

The official also recalled the failed attack of which she was a victim when on the road that leads to her residence they planted eight kilos of explosives and stated that they would continue to mobilize by helicopter to safeguard their safety.


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