Bad breath can be a sign of other illnesses and should be treated if it persists after three weeks

by time news
# Ajayakumar Karivellur
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Some changes in the mouth and teeth can be a sign of other diseases. So it is necessary to identify such changes and seek proper treatment.

Is your mouth dry?

When it comes to diabetes, there is another symptom that often goes unrecognized at first. Have we ever woken up in the morning with a dry mouth? If so, it could be a sign of diabetes.

High blood sugar levels can cause oral health problems. Therefore, people suffering from diabetes may develop dental problems and gum disease.

Dry mouth is one of the first symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes can cause a lack of saliva in the mouth, which can cause dry mouth. You will also feel extra thirsty. If diabetes is not controlled it can also lead to ulcers, infections and tooth decay.

High blood sugar levels can increase the risk of tooth decay. There are many types of bacteria in the mouth that interact with sugars and starches to form plaque. The acid in plaque attacks tooth enamel, causing cavity problems and gum disease. Tooth decay, if left untreated, can lead to pain, infection and subsequent tooth loss. In some people, the gums bleed when touched very gently. Especially if the gums are bleeding like this without any food debris sticking to them, it can be a sign of diabetes.

Is your mouth and tongue burning?

A burning sensation in the mouth and tongue can be caused by uncontrolled blood glucose levels. It can also cause dry mouth and bitter taste. As the days pass, the symptoms get worse. So, if you notice such symptoms, you can immediately seek the help of a doctor.

If the gums are bleeding

Do your gums bleed when you brush or floss? This can be the first sign of gum disease. Uncontrolled diabetes can cause bleeding and swollen gums. This is known as Gingivitis. If not treated on time, this can lead to an infection called periodontitis, which destroys the soft tissue and bone that supports the teeth.

White and red spots in the mouth

Oral thrush, also known as oral candidiasis, is a fungal infection. People with diabetes often take antibiotics to fight infections. Due to this, there is a possibility of fungal infection in the mouth and tongue. Common symptoms of oral thrush include painful white and red patches on the mouth, tongue, gums, cheeks, and roof of the mouth. These spots can even turn into sores. Maintaining good oral hygiene can help prevent such infections.

Know the signs of depression

New studies show that there is a risk of developing depression in children with gum disease. But generally no one pays much attention to such changes seen in the mouth. Modern study reports show that gum disease, which seems to be simple at the first stage, is a cause or symptom of many diseases that harm the balance of the body. Medicines taken to control diabetes may not work properly in them.
The study report shows that the treatment of diabetes is more effective if gum disease is treated effectively. This proves that early detection and treatment of oral diseases can prevent other diseases.
If the gums are separated from the teeth and cracks form in the teeth, it can be a sign of mental stress.

A hint of acidity

Tooth wear is sometimes a symptom of acidity or ulcers. If you see these symptoms in people who use tobacco, you need to be more careful.

Bad breath can be a sign of other diseases

Bad breath can be a symptom of not only tooth decay and gum disease, but also kidney disease, stomach disease, and lung disease. Bad breath should be tested to identify the medical condition.

Premature delivery

Gum disease is more likely to become serious in women due to hormonal changes. May cause premature labor in pregnant women. So more care is needed. It should be checked before pregnancy to make sure that there is no gum disease.

Proper brushing for dental health

Brushing is one of the most important human health habits. There is no one who does not brush in the morning before eating. However, some people hesitate to brush after meals at night. Due to this, the chances of tooth decay and gum disease are high. So, don’t forget about brushing after eating at night.

What type of brush?

Many people are confused about which brush to use. Brushes are generally of three types, soft, medium and hard. Healthy individuals are better off using a soft or medium brush. When buying a brush, make sure that the brush handle and bristles reach every part of the mouth. A hard brush is generally not recommended for use by healthy individuals.

Brushing time

Timing of brushing is very important. Only two to four minutes should be used for brushing. However, many of us spend five to ten minutes brushing. Due to this, after reaching the age of forty, tooth wear is more common in Kerala.

Brush must be stored

The brush should always be kept clean. The brush is generally a colony of bacteria. So after using the brush, wash it in warm water and keep it clean. Do not store the brush carelessly.

When using paste

Always press the paste into the bristles while applying the paste. If only very little paste is taken

How to brush your teeth?

Brushing is of paramount importance in dental health care. When brushing the bottom row of teeth, brush from the juncture of the teeth to the top, and when brushing the upper teeth, brush from the juncture of the teeth to the bottom. The bristles of the brush should hit each tooth at least three times. The teeth on the chewing side can be maintained by back-and-forth brushing.

To clean the teeth

Along with brushing, dental flossing is an important part of cleaning the teeth. Special types of dental floss like floss are available today for this purpose. It is also good to gently massage the gums and cheeks with your fingers after brushing.

When brushing children’s teeth

Children can use a brush from the time they get their teeth. Finger toothbrushes are available in the market for this purpose. Parents can use this to brush their baby’s teeth. Children should practice self-brushing when they reach the spitting age, i.e. two years of age. Pediatric toothbrushes for children are readily available today.


Canker sores appear on the cheeks, lips, base of the tongue, and some parts of the palate. Scientifically known as aphthous ulcer. Although generally not dangerous, the excruciating pain, difficulty eating and drinking water, and difficulty speaking can all be very distressing for weeks.

Lumps are generally round in shape, white, brown, yellow in color with a red tip. Some people get ulcers if they eat more fruits that are high in citric acid such as lemons, pineapples and oranges. Acidic soft drinks, smoking also lead to ulcers.

Generally milder mouth ulcers are known as minor mouth ulcers. Small sores up to 25 mm in diameter. Generally, these types of warts go away without any other treatment.

Very extensive and deep ulcers are known as major mouth ulcers. The apex of these types of loans is irregular. It takes months to dry. Some have clusters of small sores. These are known as herpetic form ulcers. Generally, at least one in five people have this type of loan. Acne is more common in women and teenage children.

Immune deficiency, nutritional deficiency, lack of vitamin B12, zinc, iron and folic acid, acidity as a side effect of some pills, people with gastrointestinal diseases, viral fever, bruises caused by brush, sharp teeth, overbite, mental stress and excess weight can cause ulcers.

If the rash persists after three weeks, seek treatment. Some sores that transform under the tongue and on the inside of the cheek can be the beginning of oral cancer. In very few people, oral cancer is caused by oral cancer.

How to prevent?

Keeping your mouth clean is the key. Drink plenty of water, include moringa leaves, carrots, vegetables and fruits in your daily diet, and do light exercises and yoga to reduce stress. Cold sores can also be reduced by rinsing the cheeks with lukewarm water, using lignocaine gel and mouthwashes as prescribed by the doctor.

The writer is a Senior Dental Hygienist at Kannur District Hospital

(Published in Arogya Masika)

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