Bad breath .. serious diseases may be hidden by this problem! | health | Essential information for better health | DW

by time news

The bad thing about bad breath is that those who usually suffer from it may not notice it themselves. Signs of bad breath can include a bad taste in the mouth, dry mouth, and frequent bleeding gums when brushing your teeth or after eating smelly food. To identify bad breath, the German scientific site advises“healthy.bund” Lick the back of the hand and smell it.

Common causes and prevention

The common cause of bad breath for some is poor oral hygiene. Good oral hygiene is not only limited to using a regular toothbrush, but it is recommended to use dental floss, an interdental brush and a tongue cleaner. Dr. explains. Jochen Schmidt, Director of the Dental Clinic Carree Dental In Cologne, he says: “Deposits form from food components, skin cells, bacteria and also mucus on the tongue. If not removed regularly, bad breath develops..”

It is also recommended to clean the interdental brushes well under running water after each use and replace them after about ten uses, as well as change the toothbrushes after about four weeks and clean the tongue scraper well after use.

Other common causes of bad breath in some people are dry mouth and insufficient saliva production. People who drink little fluid often have a dry mouth. Certain medications, such as high blood pressure medications or antidepressants, can also block saliva flow and cause a dry mouth. Additionally, women experience decreased saliva production during menopause due to hormones. If the mouth is very dry, bacteria can multiply more easily.

Drinking enough fluids helps prevent dry mouth, preferably 1.5 liters of water or unsweetened tea per day. Chewing gum or sucking on sugar-free candy also helps stimulate saliva production and prevent dry mouth.

Adequate salivation is not only important in terms of preventing bad breath. Minerals that protect tooth enamel are an essential part of our saliva. Immunoglobulin, which is found in saliva, has the same value. This secretion supports the defense against pathogens in the mouth and throat,” says dentist, Jochen Schmidt from Cologne. “Our saliva also contains important lubricants that protect the mucous membranes from drying out. Saliva also supports swallowing and digestion“.

Stomach and liver diseases

Other causes of bad breath are infections in the mouth and nasopharynx, such as gingivitis, tonsillitis or sinusitis. This can be treated with good oral hygiene. And if the inflammation continues, the gums can become diseased and here doctors talk about gingivitis. Increased gum bleeding, receding gums, loosening of the teeth and increased bad breath may also occur. To ensure that gingivitis does not progress to periodontitis, the dentist must remove harmful deposits on the teeth, called “plaques”, and clean the periodontal pockets extensively..

Dr. points out. Jochen Schmidt notes that “gingivitis cannot be stopped without clean teeth.” “In the worst case scenario, untreated gingivitis can cost you to lose your teeth,” he warns. And the German doctor continues: “Unlike gingivitis, chronic inflammation of the gums, that is, periodontitis, affects the entire gums. And what many people do not know: germs can enter the bloodstream through inflammation foci in the gums, and increase the risk of hardening of the gums. Arteries and heart attacks “.

Other possible and possibly rare causes of bad breath for some, according to the website of the German medical journal “Gesundheit”, are stomach diseases, liver and kidney diseases, and diabetes. That is why it is recommended to visit the dentist immediately when you notice bad breath. If there is no cause in the mouth area, it is recommended to visit an ear, nose and throat doctor or an internist.

As says Dr. Schmidt notes that “unusual complaints in the mouth, such as pain, bleeding, receding gums, persistent dry mouth, and tonsil stones (bad smell) are generally explained by the doctor.”


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