Bad day for the Union – “… throwing the radio out of the window …” – Domestic politics

by time news

The day of the change of power belongs to the lucky ones who come to power. Those who lose it have the part of the stunted: the powerless.

To be viewed on Wednesday in the Bundestag: The newly-powerful traffic light men and women are so very proud. And the others, they put a smile on their face that has to last for a few hours. Both parliamentary groups commute through the Bundestag foyer, where BILD interviewed them.

Lo and behold: a few also say what’s really going on behind the smile.

Alexander Dobrindt (51, CSU) describes it as follows: “In the morning it starts so that you want to throw the radio out of the window.” Everything revolves around the winners. He knows leaving a ministerial office: “It’s like: Plug out, the electricity is gone. First you fall down a little. “

Dobrindt then already finds the opposition mode:

• “No puppy protection for the new coalition!”

• “We are THE opposition in the German Bundestag! The others are radically far right and left. “

• “We are not the claqueurs, but the controllers of the new government.”

• “We will accompany the government critically and positively.”

He announces a clear contra “in the whole area of ​​finance, where new taxes and debts are to come and a path towards the socialization of debts is to be taken in the EU.” Wants to resolve labor migration. Because that would be a serious mistake. “

CSU veteran Peter Ramsauer (67) also knows that: being out. He was once Minister of Transport. For a long time now “only” a member of parliament. He knows: “It’s not easy. Only now do many of us notice that the power is gone. “

Walter-Borjans is looking forward to his hobbies

Now it’s the same with power in politics as with money in the stock market: never gone, just somewhere else. For example with the revived SPD. Their boss Norbert Walter-Borjans (69) says to the BILD question “Are you proud like Oskar today?”: “No, like Olaf …!” And grins like a boy with a giant ice cream.

Borjans himself leaves after two years as SPD leader. When he came she was dead. Well. Is he going back to the pensioner sofa from which he started as SPD chief? “I wasn’t a sofa type and I won’t be. But under no circumstances will I be on talk shows giving advice to others. ”He has hobbies.

Hobbies? Someone else can forget that for now: Volker Wissing (51, FDP) is now Federal Minister of Transport and is responsible for road, rail, motorway and shipping. So: for a lot where a lot doesn’t work. His predecessor Andreas Scheuer (47, CSU) gave him a spade, helmet and e-bike.

There is a lot of work ahead of him. But jitters? “No!” At least slept restlessly before the first day in power? “I always sleep well.” Wissing continues: “When you focus on big tasks, you should have good nerves and sleep well.”

She does not say how green vice-boss Ricarda Lang (27) sleeps. But she is: extremely happy on the way. “I’m happy, now we’re finally starting. The Greens worked out ideas for 15 years – now we can implement them. “

But do you feel like you have promised too much to your own clientele? Lang: “We will be measured by whether we succeed in keeping our promise to combine ecology and economy. We are measured on every ton of CO2, on every solar roof, on every new wind turbine that is built.


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