Bad weather, Legambiente ‘government allocates resources for the Pnacc’ – Science and Technology

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(ANSA) – RISPESCIA (GROSSETO), OCTOBER 20 – “The extreme weather events that have hit the country again in recent hours remind us that Italy must not waste any more time. The country is paying the price of too many delays in fighting the crisis climate, adaptation and mitigation strategies, ecological transition.
The economic resources necessary to implement the National Plan for adaptation to climate change, the Pnacc, approved in December 2023, which would allow the implementation of the 361 actions envisaged by the document, should be immediately allocated”. This is the appeal to the Meloni government that comes from Rispescia (Grosseto) where the 23rd national assembly of Legambiente clubs is coming to an end. “Ten months after the approval – comments the national president Stefano Ciafani, national president of Legambiente – the economic resources to implement the planned interventions have yet to be allocated. . An inexplicable delay, while Italy continues to go under water “and where the losers in terms of economic damage and even loss of human life are people, communities and businesses”.
The environmentalist association invites the government to immediately allocate the necessary resources so that “the country takes the right course to fill the major delays which concern, first and foremost, the fight against the climate crisis and the acceleration of the ecological transition. Italy must believe in the European green deal, must invest in prevention and adaptation strategies to the climate, and accelerate the ecological transition, which today is still too hindered and held back by regulatory delays, bureaucracy, slow authorizations, fake news, Nimby and Nimto syndromes which slow down the reconversion environment of the territories – Ciafani continues – The country must also abandon any short-sighted and distorted vision linked to polluting and obsolete sources such as gas, oil and nuclear. The over 100 construction sites, including stories and good practices, which we have visited and mapped in a year and a half and which we are continuing to tell with our traveling campaign ‘The construction sites of the ecological transition’ are a good testimony to the great ferment and revolution that is already underway in the country”.
Finally, from Rispescia, Legambiente also launched a second message, summarized in the banner: “Environment is work”, recalling the 3.2 million “green” jobs active in Italy, according to data from the Symbola Foundation and Unioncamere. (HANDLE).

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