Bahn representative Theurer: There must be a general renovation

by time news

DWith regard to unpunctual trains due to the dilapidated rail network, the federal government only expects a gradual improvement. The Federal Government Commissioner for Rail Transport, Secretary of State for Transport Michael Theurer (FDP), told the German Press Agency: “One can only ask for understanding from the customers of the railways and also ask for forgiveness. As the new government, we found legacy issues.” He recommends open and honest communication. “The situation is so dramatic that there is no alternative to a general overhaul of the network,” said Theurer.

“With the decision of the coalition committee, we want to invest many billions of additional euros in order to catch up on what has been neglected in the past decades. Because we experience the rail customers as loyal customers who travel by rail out of conviction and often also out of responsibility for, for example, climate protection to be used for rail investments from 2024 onwards.

Punctuality well behind target

In long-distance rail transport, the punctuality rate last year was 65.2 percent, 10 percentage points below the previous year’s level. The reasons given by the railways were the outdated and scarce infrastructure, many construction sites and a rapidly growing volume of traffic. The Group goal for this year is a punctuality value in long-distance transport of more than 70 percent. A train is considered late in the statistics if it arrives at a stop with a delay of six minutes or more. Train cancellations are not taken into account.

“As the federal government, we have articulated the expectations of management that punctuality must improve noticeably,” said Theurer. Bahn boss Richard Lutz refers to the network, which has to be described as completely overloaded. “Of course, the public sector is also responsible for the network and we are now fulfilling our tasks.”

Only expects a gradual improvement: Michael Theurer, state chairman of the FDP Baden-Württemberg and Federal Government Commissioner for Rail Transport.

Image: dpa

Theurer also referred to the decisions of the coalition leaders of the SPD, Greens and FDP to speed up planning: “The decision is great progress for the railways and an important building block of an entire mosaic. In addition, there are faster administrative court proceedings, digital planning processes and the ramping up of investment funds in connection with the capacity expansion in the construction and railway industry and the planned corridor renovation. With these different elements we are on the right track.”

From his point of view as a rail officer, the continuous increase in investment funds and planning security are crucial. “At the same time, the construction capacities have to be increased. The financing gap for rail in Germany must be closed.” The first corridor renovations such as the Riedbahn have been fully financed.

General renovation by 2030

The state-owned Deutsche Bahn wants to completely renovate dozens of busy sections of track by 2030. For this purpose, so-called corridors are completely closed for around five months and completely renovated and modernized. Instead of just repairing the bare essentials with small construction sites during ongoing operations, everything is done in one go. But then there should be peace for years and the train traffic should flow more reliably. The Riedbahn between Frankfurt and Mannheim will be the first to be completely renovated from mid-2024.

Theurer went on to say that the federal government is sticking to the goal of significantly increasing the market share of rail freight transport by 2030. “There is more demand than can currently be met. We make sure that the freight trains no longer linger behind the S-Bahn, but that they can also exploit their system advantages in competition over long distances.” For example, so-called system routes for freight trains are planned. “That will give a real push for rail freight transport.”

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