Baku and Ankara became the power centers of the Turkic world – 2024-02-20 18:46:43

by times news cr

2024-02-20 18:46:43

Author: Elchin Alioglu

Source: Trend

Yesterday, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan made statements to the press in Ankara.

These are the ideas that constitute the leitmotif of the statements of the head of state of our country:

1. The informal summit of the Organization of Turkic States will be held in Shusha in July 2024.

2. The President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will also participate in the summit to be held in Shusha at the invitation of Ilham Aliyev.

3. Modernization of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway will be completed in the middle of 2024.

4. Turkey and Azerbaijan have concrete plans for joint production in the defense industry.

5. The armies of Azerbaijan and Turkey are one fist.

… Ilham Aliyev’s first official visit after the extraordinary presidential elections held in Azerbaijan on February 7 was to brotherly Turkey. Thus, the tradition was continued.

The foundation of the relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey was not laid in the past years or decades, but centuries ago, by our great-grandfathers and ancestors.

Now, contacts, cooperation and cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkey, which are one nation and two states, have turned into a factor of special importance and weight, not only for the region, but for the entire Eurasian space.

The President of Azerbaijan said: “Every time I am in Turkey, I watch the large-scale development process of the brotherly country. I am very happy about it and I see once again that the brotherly country is conquering new heights as a result of the efforts of my dear brother.

Turkey has a voice in the world today. Not only in our region, but many issues around the world depend on Turkey’s position. Turkey is the guarantor of tranquility, peace and cooperation in our region. Turkey’s strong industrial potential, strong economy, as well as its military power make everyone who belongs to the Turkic world happy. Of course, Azerbaijan is happy with your success as well as its own success. When the Second Karabakh war ended in November 2020, Azerbaijan liberated most of its occupied territory, and Turkey was by our side for all 44 days. My dear Brother’s very firm and precise statements in the early hours of the war were a serious message to many and kept many from interfering in the cause. Azerbaijan is not alone, Turkey is with Azerbaijan. This political and moral support was enough for us, and we solved our historical issue, which we could not solve through peace for 30 years, in just 44 days on the battlefield.

Azerbaijan will never forget the fraternal support of brother Turkey.

Our armies mean a punch, every year at least 10 military exercises are held both in Turkey and Azerbaijan, and thus our military power is growing even more. The second Karabakh war and the anti-terrorist operation we carried out exactly 5 months after it showed once again that the Turkish Army model is already fully established in Azerbaijan.

Over time, relations between our countries and peoples are developing rapidly, cooperation in various fields is becoming more active.

The Declaration of Alliance signed in the city of Shusha shows that our countries are on the same level, in the same camp, and demonstrates that the development of mutual relations has a very serious potential and motivating conditions.

The Organization of Turkic States (TDT) has a special place among the areas of Baku-Ankara relations.

In the modern world, where global geopolitical mechanisms are updated, relations between developed countries and developing countries are increasing, and conflicts and competition are observed on a number of issues, it is already a fact that joining military or political blocs, becoming a member of some alliance necessarily turns into a compromise of independence and a certain part of sovereignty. .

Azerbaijan does not have abstract plans or illusion-based aspirations regarding NATO or the European Union. It is clear that the North Atlantic Alliance intends to communicate with Azerbaijan based on promises and proposals, as with the countries of the post-Soviet space.

Practice shows that even if proposals turn into demands after a while, the issue of the ambitious country’s NATO membership turns into political bargaining, and then pressure and pressure.

The fact that our country is a member of NATO does not meet the interests of Baku: it is clear that the trends related to NATO can create a very dangerous situation, given the geographical location of Azerbaijan, the presence of Russia in the north and Iran in the south.

Moreover, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, etc. the contacts of the post-soviet states with Brussels, the essence of the negotiations, and the essence of the voiced demands clearly demonstrate that the dreams of those states regarding NATO membership are still far from being realized.

Azerbaijan has no desire to join NATO. This structure, as well as the activation of cooperation with the European Union, which is very close, intensive and with mutual consideration of interests, meets our interests.

And direct membership claims can create risks with serious challenges.

Since the conditions are also applicable to other Turkish states in the post-Soviet space, the prospects, importance and weight of the TDT are especially increasing.

Deciding to hold an informal summit meeting of TDT in Shusha in July of this year and inviting the President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to this meeting are among the nuances that can qualitatively raise the cooperation, partnership and cooperation of Turkic-speaking countries and Turkish peoples to a new level.

The fact that the trade turnover between Azerbaijan and Turkey reached a record level of 7.5 billion dollars, and that the joint projects of our countries in the field of transport, energy and logistics are of great importance even for countries outside the regional borders, expands the horizons of prospects.

Let’s not forget that the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway should be put into full operation in the middle of this year in order to increase the volume of cargo from 1 million tons to 5 million tons.

For example, last year, the volume of natural gas transported from Azerbaijan to Turkey exceeded 9 billion cubic meters. It is planned to further increase that volume, because the implementation of new projects related to the transportation of energy carriers between the European Union and Baku is inevitable.

As a result of Russia’s military operations in Ukraine, after the change in the geography, number and directions of European energy supply routes, Azerbaijan has the status of a stable and reliable partner of exceptional importance for the EU.

One point in the statement of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is of particular importance:

“There is no doubt that the signing of lasting peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia will be a new source of hope for peace, tranquility and stability in our region and the world. We are moving shoulder to shoulder with Azerbaijan in this process. With the end of the occupation in Karabakh, it is a historic opportunity for lasting peace in our region. It is very important that this window of opportunity is not closed.

I believe that Armenia should think with foresight and evaluate this process with a strategic perspective. We invite third parties to contribute constructively instead of poisoning the process. We continue to work for the further establishment and strengthening of our union in the Organization of Turkic States, which is our family assembly.

I would like to express my special satisfaction regarding the holding of the Extraordinary Summit of our Organization in Shusha, the cultural capital of the Turkish world in July. In the coming period, we will continue to walk with Can Azerbaijan with our right of fraternity and the spirit we set forth in the Shusha Declaration.”

… Relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan determine not only the future of the two countries, but the prospects of the entire Turkic world.

Activities in this direction are constantly being activated.

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