Balázs Hankó: We want a strong Europe based on nations

by time news

According to Balázs Hankó, it is unacceptable that there are ten times less research resources per inhabitant in Central and Eastern Europe than in Western Europe. In order to increase Europe’s competitiveness, it is therefore of utmost importance to strengthen the relations between regions and create unity in the innovation structure.

In connection with the two-day meeting of the higher education and research ministers of the Union in Budapest, which began on Monday, the head of the ministry underlined that the recently presented Draghi report also supports the need for a turnaround in competitiveness in Europe, as the competitiveness of the Union has decreased by 8 percent over the past decade, China and the United States also overtook Europe.

At the meeting, two helpful recommendations will be discussed with the education and research ministers of the Union. The purpose of the proposals is to strengthen the research and innovation cooperation between the countries of Central Europe, Eastern Europe, the Western Balkans and Western Europe, which are essential for the turnaround of competitiveness. In addition, the issue of the European diploma will also be discussed, he said.

Within the framework of the strategic partnership, Hungary offers the domestic university and vocational education model to the attention of Europe, he indicated. The Hungarian model, which raised our vocational training to the silver medal of the Union and successfully renewed Hungarian higher education, the essence of which is the cooperation of universities with the region and its economic actors, he added.

He explained: the Hungarian model is organized along the lines of the economy, dual education and labor market needs, and connects universities with vocational training. Hungary believes in real autonomy, which allows and entrusts cooperation between universities, joint degrees and double degree programs to the universities, he emphasized.

He reminded: in connection with the European diploma, proposals were made by Brussels, according to which a joint body would decide, based on quality assurance aspects, where a European diploma can and cannot be awarded. However, several EU countries have already formulated questions in this regard, he said.

Hungary considers it its task as EU president to start a debate on this and find a solution based on the debate, which is also a condition for a European competitiveness turnaround, stated Balázs Hankó. He pointed out: successful European youth and national identity are needed in order to have strong nations and a competitive Europe.

He recalled: Hungarian students have not received an answer for more than nine months now as to why they are excluded from the Erasmus and Hungarian researchers from the Horizont programs. He believed that if we want a competitive Europe, international cooperation in these areas is also of fundamental importance. Recognizing this, Hungary launched the Pannonia Program and the HU-region program, he noted.

“We want a strong Europe based on nations, let’s make Europe great again!”

– concluded the minister’s statement.

2024-09-14 16:44:23

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