Balloonwala: Giving employment to 250 wandering youths along with decorating people’s happiness

by time news

Milan Bochhiwal, from Ahmedabad, has been working on a unique business model called Balloonwala for the last seven years, through which he is adding color to city parties, while providing employment to many needy youths.

From birthdays to New Year celebrations, all our small and big celebrations are incomplete without balloon decorations. But if our happiness becomes the reason for the smile of someone in need, then what can be better than this?

With a similar thought, Milan Bochhiwal of Ahmedabad is making an effort called ‘Project Balloonwala’. Balloonwala is not just a business, but an attempt for social change, which has involved many youths and children of Ahmedabad who were earlier roaming on the street without any aim and skill and due to lack of education, It was impossible to connect with a good business.

An idea of ​​Milan’s Balloon Decoration has not only provided employment to these youths, but has also filled their lives with confidence. He taught the skill of balloon art to the youth and children roaming on the street.

Team Balloonwala

Balloon decoration 250 children got employment

Actually, Milan left his well-paying job about eight years ago with the vision of change in the society, after which he started working on many issues including environment, education and then after about a year he started ‘Balloonwala’. Started the work of balloon decoration. Milan tries his best to help people through his team.

He started Balloonwala with just a few kids. At that time, he could not even get 10 orders for balloon decorations a month. But today his team has gained popularity in the entire city on the basis of their hard work.

It is the result of the skill and hard work of these children that today Team Balloonwala does balloon decoration in more than 100 events every month. At the same time, today more than 250 children are associated with this team. Milan says that today many children are running their own business with this skill, while many people are now working as trainers to train other children.

To know more about Baloonwala you can visit them social media You can contact on

Editing: Archana Dubey

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