Rashmika Mandhana has acted opposite actor Vijay in ‘Varisu’. She is a Kannada actress, also acting as a PC in Telugu and Hindi. In a recent interview, he did not mention the producer while talking about his first Kannada film ‘Crik Party’. Then he said that he has not seen the movie ‘Gandhara’ yet and caused opposition from the Kannada fans. They said that Rashmika is boycotting Kannada cinema and she should be banned from acting in Kannada films. In this case, Rashmika, who saw the film ‘Gandhara’, congratulated the film crew.
When he says about this, “Have you seen the film in 2 days of its release? They said. I said not yet. After watching, I congratulated the film crew. I don’t tolerate people talking about my personal life. If you ask about professional life, I will answer. Rashmika said, “There is no restriction imposed on me in the Kannada film industry.”