“Ban junk food commercials on children’s TV shows”

by time news

2023-07-06 14:25:35

Stop advertising junk food on TV programs for children. This is the request of the Italian Society of Pediatrics (Sip), which takes its cue from the new guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) according to which food marketing is a threat to children’s health. “A document that we welcome with great satisfaction. We also hope that the Italian Government will soon implement it concretely in our country, starting with banning or limiting” this type of advertising “in television programs intended for children and on digital media”, says Annamaria Staiano, president of Sip, regarding the WHO text ‘Policies to protect children from the harmful impact of food marketing’.

The guidelines recommend that member countries implement mandatory policies to protect minors from advertising foods and soft drinks with a high content of saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids, free sugars and salt. Although the approval of the WHO recommendation on the marketing of food and soft drinks to children dates back to 2010, to date – underlines the new document – minors continue to be bombarded by the marketing of these foods whose consumption is associated with overweight, obesity and adverse health effects.

The WHO guidelines are based on a systematic review of the scientific literature which evaluated exposure to food marketing in children aged 0 to 18 through television, digital media, magazines and sports sponsorships, shops, schools, open, on public transport and in restaurants. “The report – explains the president of Sip – has highlighted that the marketing techniques of unhealthy foods have a negative impact on food choices, on children’s requests for products from adults, but also on behaviors and beliefs related to food. The increase of digital marketing use, in particular, is a growing concern as it amplifies these messages and children’s engagement.”

“Enabling children of all ages to reach their full developmental potential is a human right and a fundamental basis for sustainable development. Children’s rights, including those to health, to adequate and nutritious food, privacy and to freedom from exploitation, are threatened by the marketing of Hfss (High in fat, sugar and salt,) foods”, concludes the report.

Hence the WHO’s invitation to Member States to intervene with “strong and complete laws”, since the calls for responsible marketing practices have so far not led to the desired results.

#Ban #junk #food #commercials #childrens #shows

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