Ban on Thick Oil from Grounded Ship Marco Polo Raises Concerns: Vetenskapsradion Report

by time news

Grounded ship Marco Polo leaks banned oil, posing environmental risks

A grounded passenger ferry named Marco Polo has been found to be leaking thick oil that has been banned in international shipping for several years, according to a report by Vetenskapsradion. The fuel, known for its high sulfur content, was banned by the UN International Maritime Organization (IMO) in 2020 due to its harmful environmental impact.

Ida-Maja Hassellöv, a professor of marine engineering at Chalmers University of Technology, described the oil as “the very worst you can imagine” in an interview with the radio. The viscous heavy oil poses significant risks to marine life and ecosystems.

Despite the ban, Marco Polo has received an exemption due to new technology that cleans the exhaust gases from sulfur. However, the recent grounding of the vessel raises concerns about the potential release of this banned oil into the surrounding waters.

The passenger ferry, flagged in Cyprus, was en route from Trelleborg to Karlshamn and then on to Klaipeda in Lithuania when it ran aground on October 22nd. The exact cause of the grounding is currently under investigation.

The leakage of the banned oil from the grounded ship raises questions about the effectiveness of the exemption granted to Marco Polo. Environmental activists are calling for stricter regulations and stronger enforcement to prevent such incidents from happening in the future.

The authorities and shipping companies involved in the incident are now working to contain the leaked oil and prevent further damage to the environment. They are also exploring options to safely remove the grounded ship from its current location.

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of adhering to international regulations and embracing sustainable practices in the maritime industry. The preservation of marine ecosystems and the prevention of oil spills should remain a top priority to mitigate the negative impact on the environment.

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