Bancamiga: “Our balance sheet is extraordinarily positive”

by time news

The Executive President of Bancamiga, Ariel José Martínez Coujil, stated that, upon reaching its first 16 years, Bancamiga occupies the third position in foreign currency deposits in the ranking of private banks in the country and exceeded one million accounts.

Being the fifth private bank in the country’s financial system, third in foreign currency deposits, fifth in total deposits and being the one that has achieved the highest year-on-year growth in its loan portfolio are elements that lead to Executive President of They are silentAriel Jose Martinez Coujilto qualify as extraordinarily positive the balance of the institution in its first 16 years.

He expressed that, after becoming in 2017 Universal Bankthe development of the institution has accelerated, which has been pointed out by technological innovation and by a young, trained, proactive human resource eager to launch products and services in an accelerated, easy and friendly manner for customers.

“This has made customers trust the bank, which is evidenced by an increase in 160% in total deposits in the last four years to currently rank in 170 million dollars”.

He indicated that being the third bank in deposits in foreign currency with 135 million dollars, it has been possible because its clients see an innovative institution, with versatile and useful products to satisfy their needs, which can be used both in Venezuela like abroad.

Martínez He also made reference to the loan portfolio, which stands at 39 million dollars and has enjoyed the same good development of deposits, achieving the highest year-on-year growth compared to the last five years.

“Our credit portfolio is healthy, solid and with projection”, he agreed, while adding that efforts will continue to focus on attracting new clients, opening new agencies and promoting formulas different from the traditional ones to offer services.

Strategic objectives

During the conversation, the Executive President of Bancamiga expressed that among the strategic objectives for this year are the financial strength and the Business Management.

In this sense, it is expected to increase deposits from the public both in bolivars and in foreign currency, maintain credit intermediation at 80% of deposits in bolivars and increase the volume of the credit portfolio business, as well as increase the participation quota in the market.

To achieve greater positioning, it is planned to launch 14 new products during 2023 and lead the bank with the largest number of points of sale to exceed the 150 mil POS.

“We already took a fundamental step by being the first with technology Contactless (without contact) at our points of sale”.

He indicated that despite the strength that our digital banking maintains, They are silent it needs a physical and structured position in regions where it is currently not present. The expansion strategy with new agencies will be maintained, estimating reaching all the states of the country, with the presence of 50 branches distributed throughout the national territory.

Ariel Jose Martinez Coujil He highlighted that the average number of new account openings per month stands at an average of 35 thousand, which allowed for this first quarter to exceed one million accounts.

public trust

A historic event for the institution was achieving registration with the National Registry of Securities in 2021 and subsequent authorization, in order to be listed on the Caracas Stock Exchange in 2022. This year it plans to start operations in the capital ring.

He recalled that, in recent years, They are silent has promoted with strength and commitment different programs of Corporate social responsibility that have innovation and entrepreneurship as strategic axes and as fields of action education, health, sports and environment.

In the framework of the sixteenth anniversary of They are silent, Martínez wanted to thank once again the effort and mystique of a group of men and women who, with dedication, responsibility and professionalism, have given their best contribution to boost the bank’s growth.

“I am very repetitive in this. The productivity of the institution is only possible through the talent and the effort from our collaborators. It is the passionate work of each one that has made They are silent is positioned as the fifth private bank in the financial system and that we have a respectful image in the market. I will always have words of gratitude towards our people and that must be highlighted”.

To finish, the CEO said that this Thursday They are silent will launch the campaign Together we make Teamin which Venezuelans with limitless talent such as Amanda Dudamel, Deyna Castellanos, Antonio Diaz, Frederick Pisani y Henry Gonzalez they join the institution as its representatives.

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