Banco Unión reaches a credit portfolio of more than $us 1,000 million in La Paz

by time news

Banco Unión SA is consolidated as a leader in the granting of credits in the department of La Paz.

union bank

Banco Unión SA consolidates as a leader in the granting of credits in the department of La Paz, reaching a Credit Portfolio that exceeds $us 1,000 million as of February 28, 2023, a record in the Financial System that ratifies the commitment of the Bank with the economic and social development of the country and positions it as a leading actor in the departmental economy.

credit products

As of February 28, 2023, of the total Credit Portfolio of Banco Unión SA, the most representative segment is operations for SMEs and Microcredits with a 30.6% share between them, followed by Business loans with 30.1 %, while in third place are loans for Housing with 28.4%.

Already with less participation are those of agreement with 8.9%, while the remaining 2% includes operations of Credit Cards, Vehicles and others.

These data show, on the one hand, the important diversification of the Credit Portfolio, which reaches various sectors of the population with the aim of helping them achieve their personal, business and family goals, contributing to the economic reactivation of the country.

bank presence

In the department of La Paz, one of the most important places in the financial sector, Banco Unión SA imposes its presence with more than 209 Financial Service Points (PAF), made up of 47 fixed agencies, 4 external offices, 2 counting rooms, the Mobile Sariri agency that runs through the towns of Calacoto, Ancoraimes, Santiago de Callapa, Tiquina, Tihuanaku, San Andres de Machaca, Collana, Jesús de Machaca, Sica Sica, Puerto Acosta and 13 collection windows, through which it provides service in its different financial services and products.

The ATM network is one of the most important in La Paz, reaching a total of 143 ATMs strategically distributed both in the city and in the rural areas of the department.

For the present management, in addition, the opening of two important Permanent Agencies is foreseen, one of them located in the 8th district of the city of El Alto (Ventilla) and another in the town of Apolo. These new agencies will make it possible to boost the economy of its inhabitants and enjoy the financial services provided by Banco de los Bolivianos to all of society.

Digitization an effective response

Between January and February of 2023, Banco Unión SA registered a significant number of financial transactions, an aspect that reflects the trust of users in the institution and its ability to provide efficient and secure services.

In the same period, more than 26 million financial transactions were registered, highlighting that 43% of these transactions were made through ATMs, 37% through different digital platforms and the remaining 20% ​​were made at checkouts. (windows).

A bank that thinks of people

Financial inclusion and coverage to meet the needs of all Bolivians with equity is a fundamental task for the Public Banking Entity, regardless of their ethnicity, religion or gender identity or any other factor, which is why we have been working to improve the access to financial services for each and every Bolivian.

The assets of Banco Unión SA continue to grow, proof of this is the infrastructure that the Bank puts at the service of the population.

In December 2022, a new building was inaugurated on Loayza street, with a built area of ​​5,312.86 square meters. With this new infrastructure, Banco Unión SA becomes the largest entity in the financial center of La Paz, having spacious and comfortable branches that cover the financial needs of the population that transits through downtown La Paz, which carries out financial operations such as opening accounts, credit applications, bonus collection, customer service, use of ATMs, etc.

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