Bank Hapoalim’s VP of Marketing: “Whoever counts leads, lives in the old world”

by time news

Where is the marketing world of the future going? In such a technological environment, an environment of smartphones, the Internet of artificial intelligence and soon also of Towers – does the marketing man of yesteryear have a place, or does he, like many others, have to keep up to date and update himself? These questions were asked by Yigal Barkat, VP of Marketing at Bank Hapoalim, at the Globes MAD 2022 conference held tonight (Tuesday) at “Zappa in the Park” in Ganei Yehoshua in Tel Aviv.

“The reason we are talking today about such advanced things as Matevers, is that the conditions have ripened for a great many technologies in the world of marketing, ones that will allow Mowers to work,” Barkat said. “The VP of marketing has become the VP of IT, dealing with issues like analytics tools, data, BI, content management, CRM and more. Anyone who is not interested in these things has no future in this field. Whoever counts leads and clicks, lives in the old world. Today, there are countless other tools that enable real-time decision-making. “

Barkat also said that the field of Martech, Marketing technology, is the hot thing today. “This field is growing at a tremendous rate, showing a 5,233% increase in the number of companies operating in it, between 2011 and 2020. These are mature companies that have a solid product, companies like Salesforce, Oracle and others.

“The world of marketing is changing before our eyes. We need to deal with this and that, work on the technological product and concentrate on it. Focus on the real things, the ability to realize what the world of marketing is. To create an advantage and differentiation for the product and the entire brand.”

*** Full disclosure: The conference in collaboration with Bank Hapoalim, IAI, Tik Tuk, Melisron (Ofer Malls), Tabula, Lavi Media and the Yifat Group

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