Bankruptcy proceedings double in Spain in the second quarter

by time news

2023-08-11 16:42:17

Between April and June of this year, a total of 5,934 natural or legal persons they entered bankruptcy. This volume means increasing by 108% the figures for the same period of the previous year, when a bankruptcy moratorium was in force that allowed companies to postpone the formalization of their bankruptcy, but also increasing by more than 21% those of the first quarter of the year . This is indicated by theBankruptcy Procedure Statistics‘ that has published this Friday the College of Registrarswhich points out that bankruptcies are on the rise, even though the creation of companies is progressing at a very good pace in Spain.

According to this report, of the nearly 6,000 new bankrupt debtors In the second quarter, 1,255 are legal persons, and 4,679 are natural persons, which represents 21.1% and 78.9%, respectively, of the total. In addition, as highlighted by Europa Press, the bankruptcy of legal persons only increased by 18.3% compared to the same period of the previous year, while those of Physical person (a term that includes businessmen) soared 161.3%.

By type of contest, around 5,600 are volunteers (in this case, a volume that is almost four times that of the second quarter of 2022), almost 300 are consecutive (79% less) and 36, necessary (another 227% more than in the same period of the previous year). Likewise, 90.2% of the companies declared bankrupt are Limited Liability Companies; About 40% is in the lowest tranche of business volume (up to 250,000 euros), and only 7.5% exceed 2 million euros in annual turnover. Regarding the number of salaried47.9% of the total companies declared bankrupt have less than six and, among these, 17.7% have no workers.

Catalonia at the front

According to him Registrars study26% of the companies declared bankrupt have as their main economic activity the Trade15.8% the Constructionand 14.7% the Manufacturing industry. These sectors are the ones that usually lead this type of statistics: what opens the most in Spain are companies linked to commerce, the real estate sector and construction and, consequently, they are also usually the areas that close the most deals.

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In terms of territorial distribution, the autonomous communities with the highest number of debtors declared bankrupt in the second quarter of 2023 are Catalonia (1.714), Valencian Community (996), Madrid (824) y Andalusia (560), concentrating in them almost seven out of ten insolvent debtors.

Aragon It is the only Community that presents an annual drop in the number of bankrupts compared to the same period of the previous year (-6.9%); while Estremadura, Ceuta y Melilla y The Rioja registered the highest annual increases (762.5%, 700% and 409.1% respectively).

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