Banks, Fabi creates the index that measures social interventions

by time news

The action of the union to combat poverty

The Banking Social Index (Bsi) of the Fabi. The new Bsi is an index that will determine the quantity and quality of the interventions of the Italian banking sector in the social field, in particular those aimed at counteracting the poverty, a phenomenon that affects nearly 11 million people. It is the first time, at least in the Italian panorama, that a tool has been created that aims to measure and evaluate the effective degree of solidarity of an entire economic sector, in this case of banks.

In addition, the publication of a ranking of Italian credit institutions is envisaged that field, for example, the most relevant economic initiatives, projects, subsidized loans and donations to organizations, research institutes, non-profit organizations, hospitals, charities, structures. for volunteering and for assistance to the weakest people.

Less than a month after the announcement, therefore, the initiative launched by the secretary general of Fabi officially kicks off, Lando Maria Sileoni, al 126esimi National Council in Milan, last December 13, 2021. In the next few days the Fabi’s general secretary will send to the managing directors and to the chief executive officer of banking groups involved a letter, with which, together with adherence to the project, information and data relating to the social initiatives of their groups will be formally requested.

At the next stage of information gathering, a period of detailed analysis and evaluation: a scrupulous, concrete survey, preparatory to the formation of the index and therefore of the ranking, which will go beyond the social report published annually by the groups.

In order to make the results of the survey transparent, an advisory committee will be set up in the coming months, which will be entrusted with the task of certifying the analysis of the data underlying the Banking Social Index and the ranking of “solidarity” banks. This body will include qualified and appreciated exponents from the academic world, the voluntary sector and the third sector, civil society and foundations. The composition of the Advisory Committee will be announced in the coming weeks.

The phenomenon of poverty is a real emergency, moreover not only in Italy

Fabi’s initiative is founded on the belief that the phenomenon of poverty is a real emergency, moreover not only in Italy: according to the most recent data, almost 11 million Italians run the risk of becoming poor. A figure that can be identified by adding the 4 million unemployed (1 million and 127 thousand formerly employed; 571 thousand former inactive, that is, those who do not even look for a job; 2 million and 373 thousand people looking for their first job) and 6.7 million employed in precarious or weak situations, i cosiddetti working poor: 925 thousand people with part-time fixed-term contracts, 2 million and 142 thousand people with full-time fixed-term contracts, 2 million and 731 thousand employees with involuntary part-time permanent contracts, 225 thousand people with simple collaboration contracts and 711 thousand self-employed part-time time.

“The banks must reaffirm their social role, playing an essential function in the territories. In the trinomial made up of revenues, profits and dividends I consider it essential to add a fourth, pillar: solidarity. This is because defeating poverty, the true pandemic of the future, must become the top priority not only for public institutions and governments, but also for the main private economic operators. We take on a great responsibility, aware that even the trade unions must be courageous and go beyond the fence of trade union relations, playing a useful role in the interest of the community “, declares Sileoni.

“At the National Council, on 13 December, addressing the leaders of the sector, I anticipated this initiative, explaining that it is no longer time for anyone to pretend that nothing has happened, to close their eyes or to consider only their own limited horizons. a time of generosity and true, concrete, visible, solid solidarity. And it is right that citizens know the names of the banks that are already doing a lot to combat poverty and of those that will escape our solicitations “, adds Sileoni.

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